Particle balls are rarely sold to the customer that is looking for a "pretty ball". When you look at a particle ball on the shelf ( i.e fear factor, flash flood, trifecta,etc....) you see hook and aggressiveness. When you look at the Double Agent you see how dull it appears and the first thing you thing of is "man i bet that ball hooks a ton !!!". In all actuallity, the ball is 1000 grit abralon ( compared to other manufacturers using 500 grit on their aggressive equipment ), so its extremley smooth and the reaction shows.
Not everybody will match up with this ball. The Pro Shop operator that has 4 shops should know better than to say that any ball sucks. That may cost him sales in the long run if he says it to the wrong person. Keep in mind that this ball needs a certain type of rev-rate / ball speed for it to be effective. Thats why particle balls sell in limited amounts nowadays
As far as the pricing structure of the Agents go ( and this is strictly my opinion ), the performance of the ball should dictate price. Ive seen a lot of "high-end balls" in my day that didnt perform up to expectation when the mid-price balls seemd much better. Perfect example was the V2. I was with Ebonite for 7 years and the V2 was the best ball we had throughout those years ( by far ), but it was a mid-price ball that outperformed all of the high-end stuff. In my opinion the Agent is the best ball that i've had in my 3 years with Storm and i think the price tag is justified. There are reasons for going away from the mass-bias technology that i wont go into here, but i assure you that you are getting your moneys worth
Bowl up a Storm,
Jeff Carter