The ball is absolute MONEY! That's the first impression, anyway.
Drilled Pin about 5" from PAP over middle finger with CG just barely under ring, closer to center. No x-hole.
On a 36 foot house shot, the ball is phenominal. Great midlane read with a DEVISTATING backend reaction that no other company can seem to produce with their solid coverstocks.
The ball is very adaptable, on first impression, to changes in hand position. I was able to move way left on the fresh shot, increasing axis rotation to around 75 degrees or so, releasing around 30 board, breakpoint around 12. WHAM!
7 in a row dead flush until I left a solid 9. Sweet.

Decreasing the axis rotation to around 30-40 degrees, playing 15-5, the ball had absolutely no problem kicking out the 10 pin. Even on a shorter house pattern, the ball was able to get through the heads without over-reading, and saving tons of energy for the deck.
Overall great first impression. More to come.
BEST TOURNAMENTS IN FLORIDA:Handicap: www.floridabowlersclassic.comScratch: