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Author Topic: Drilling 2 old schoolers, need layout advice.  (Read 1596 times)


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Drilling 2 old schoolers, need layout advice.
« on: August 15, 2011, 08:29:13 AM »
Hey guys I've got a special agent and gravity shift I wanna drill this week.  I currently only have 1 solid in the arsenal and thats the invasion and no asymmetric pearls. 


I'm trying to fit the special agent above my hyroad, 2nd dimension and gravity shift, but below the invasion and virtual energy.  Basically a benchmark solid. Ball has 3.5" pin 


I'm trying to fit the gravity shift below the special agent, and be similar in overall hook to my 2nd dimension, just more snappy when I have to open them up.  My 2nd dimension will bail on me sometimes when I move in, and alot of times the hyroad will get me to the pocket but just doesn't have enough to carry.  I'm hoping the gravity shift will give me a little more motion downlane, but the ball only has a 2" pin.


Stats in profile.


Invasion 6"  50 degrees pin up1000 grit

Virtual Energy 5" 65 degrees pin up 4000 grit

2nd Dimension 5" pin down no hole4000 grit

Hyroad 5" pin up small hole on pap1000+shine

Fast 5 1/4" pin up

Tropical Heat 5 1/4" pin up

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Move left, hook it more.....

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Mr Straight Ball

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Re: Drilling 2 old schoolers, need layout advice.
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2011, 07:56:27 AM »
OK, I'll start this...
In my hand, the Special Agent was more ball than the Invasion. The Special Agent gave me more movement down the lane that my Invasion. The Special Agent is also going to give you an earlier movement than the Virtual Energy so you might want to look at moving the Special Agent to a different spot in your line up. Don't worry, placing the Gravity below the Special will not be a problem. And the Gravity will come off of the spot harder than the Second Dimension.

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Jesse James

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Re: Drilling 2 old schoolers, need layout advice.
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2011, 10:29:30 AM »
I concur with Mr. Straightball. You don't have to worry about that Gravity Shift, even with the 2"pin. I have one of my own with a 2" pin drilled below the fingers and this thing is still a skid-snap monster. Mine is pin under ring about an inch with the cg at about 60 degrees. It still snaps hard, half-way down the lane.


Whether you go pin up or pin down will determine where on the lane your snap will come. Mine comes earlier. If you go pin up, it will come later downlane.


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Re: Drilling 2 old schoolers, need layout advice.
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2011, 10:52:59 AM »
I was just surprised to find out that a special agent and a gravity shift were "old school" balls. I came in here, thinking somebody was drilling a yellow dot and a urethane hammer, lol.


 The advice you've been given sounds pretty good though. Had a friend who had both the special agent and the gravity shift, and he used them much as desribed above.


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