Bought one of the pro-CG balls off eBay a few weeks ago. I lucked up, because I got one with the CG kicked left, and after drilling everything ended up where I've always wanted to try stuff anyway.
This is without a doubt the most aggressive pearl ball I have ever thrown, from any company, and there's barely a second place. I get a movement from this ball that reminds me of the one my X-Factor used to make back in 95-96 or so when it was brand-new.
Strongest pearl in my bag prior to this was either a Paradigm or a Visionary AMB Bronze Centaur, or maybe a Track Mean Machine. I'm 5-10 boards deeper with my feet with this ball on a medium/dry-medium shot and already almost too deep to play. In fact, I really am not going to be able to use this very much in league because of my stats.
Ball is drilled with the MB virtually on the VAL, CG just left of grip-center and the pin high above the ring at 1 o'clock, about 1-1.5 inches off the VAL. No weight hole needed. Surface is box finish. Feels like about 1000 plus polish. If I was going to make a league ball out of this I'd have to go to 4000 easy.
You can still find these on eBay or through and if you need a super-strong, highly angular pearl I would readily recommend this.