I recently acquired a thunderstruck solid and have been very impressed with it. Really as strong a ball as I can see me ever needing.
I have been thinking about dropping down in weight and since I really like what I saw in the t-struck solid, I was wondering what balls would/could be good compliments for it.
I like the looks of the agent series ( especially the original pearl one ), but watching a friend throw the secret agent, double agent, and the special agent, those seem as though they might be too strong for me here.
Not to get too technical here, but with the t-struck solid, I started out with my feet on 34 and playing over 18 at the arrows out to the break point and was thinking that was plenty deep. This was on our fresh league shot which became drier as the night went on. Had to change release from roll to side roll to get it through the heads. Still burnt up a lot and left some flat 10's the last game.
The one I have now is drilled 4 1/2 X 4 with pin down.
Here is sort of what I was thinking about, if I do go with storm:
1. Thunderstruck solid drilled pin up, 5 X 4
2. Agent pearl with same drilling as above
3. Thunderstuck pearl drilled pin down, 4 X 4
4. Jolt pearl drilled pin up, 4 X 4
Have been looking at the fire series balls also. They look like they might fit in here somewhere. Been a long time since I threw much storm stuff, so I am pretty much in the dark here guys.
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