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Author Topic: Equipment Help  (Read 826 times)


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Equipment Help
« on: February 21, 2006, 06:43:54 AM »
I currently have a Hybrid, Razor Wire, and Tropical.  I like to use the Razor Wire in my early league when we have some oil.  By the middle of the second game, I have moved so far left that I am standing against the ball return and need to really throw it hard.  Unfortunately, the faster I throw it, the more off balance I am.  Both the Hybrid and Tropical are too flippy for my taste and I get burned with carry down.  I think I like the matte finish and the arc it produces.  I have alot of hand and track very high.  I have the Hybrid drilled with layout #4 for control and the Tropical I have drilled with the pin beneath my middle finger (I am right handed).  The Razor Wire has the pin above and to the left of the middle finger.

Anyone have any ideas with equipment not as strong the Razor, but will arc and not flip.  Layout suggestions are appreciated.  Maybe a redrill for the Hybrid is in order.




Ozzy Fudd

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Re: Equipment Help
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2006, 06:24:59 PM »
Looking at your arsenal, I would suggest a Hot Rod Super Sport Pearl.  Similiar core to the Razor Wire but with a pearl cover.  Should move about the same as your razor but not turn quite as early.
I'm a wabbit swayer!!  ...a guitar pwayer!!  Wit a nasty habit...   Kill Da' Wabbit!!