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Author Topic: Eye of The Storm  (Read 12169 times)


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Eye of The Storm
« on: January 10, 2005, 10:18:17 AM »
Only post in here if you are/wantto be a member and want to talk about Storm.

Dont post nothing else, use the other thread to post other stuff.

Taking over the lanes with Mother Nature!!!


Tom Kelleys Pro Shop


Edited on 1/10/2005 7:17 PM


only storm 4 me

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Re: Eye of The Storm
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2005, 11:15:21 PM »
sorry would trade my car before my ace
"We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for the journey and waved goodbye and slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God."


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Re: Eye of The Storm
« Reply #17 on: January 11, 2005, 12:52:10 PM »
Hmm, another mention of brunswick.  What say we discuss capitalism today?
Capitalism, economic system in which private individuals and business firms carry on the production and exchange of goods and services through a complex network of prices and markets. Although rooted in antiquity, capitalism is primarily European in its origins; it evolved through a number of stages, reaching its zenith in the 19th century. From Europe, and especially from England, capitalism spread throughout the world, largely unchallenged as the dominant economic and social system until World War I (1914-1918) ushered in modern communism (or Marxism) as a vigorous and hostile competing system.

The term capitalism was first introduced in the mid-19th century by Karl Marx, the founder of communism. Free enterprise and market system are terms also frequently employed to describe modern non-Communist economies. Sometimes the term mixed economy is used to designate the kind of economic system most often found in Western nations.

The individual who comes closest to being the originator of contemporary capitalism is the Scottish philosopher Adam Smith, who first set forth the essential economic principles that undergird this system. In his classic An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776), Smith sought to show how it was possible to pursue private gain in ways that would further not just the interests of the individual but those of society as a whole. Society's interests are met by maximum production of the things that people want. In a now famous phrase, Smith said that the combination of self-interest, private property, and competition among sellers in markets will lead producers “as by an invisible hand” to an end that they did not intend, namely, the well-being of society.

- Andy

Viva la Brunswick Nation!!


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Re: Eye of The Storm
« Reply #18 on: January 11, 2005, 01:05:14 PM »
Well DBB will be pissed at you, but....

Here is lesson 2 on capitalism.


Characteristics of Capitalism

Throughout its history, but especially during its ascendency in the 19th century, capitalism has had certain key characteristics. First, basic production facilities—land and capital—are privately owned. Capital in this sense means the buildings, machines, and other equipment used to produce goods and services that are ultimately consumed. Second, economic activity is organized and coordinated through the interaction of buyers and sellers (or producers) in markets. Third, owners of land and capital as well as the workers they employ are free to pursue their own self-interests in seeking maximum gain from the use of their resources and labor in production. Consumers are free to spend their incomes in ways that they believe will yield the greatest satisfaction. This principle, called consumer sovereignty, reflects the idea that under capitalism producers will be forced by competition to use their resources in ways that will best satisfy the wants of consumers. Self-interest and the pursuit of gain lead them to do this. Fourth, under this system a minimum of government supervision is required; if competition is present, economic activity will be self-regulating. Government will be necessary only to protect society from foreign attack, uphold the rights of private property, and guarantee contracts. This 19th-century view of government's role in the capitalist system was significantly modified by ideas and events of the 20th century.

- Andy

Viva la Brunswick Nation!!


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Re: Eye of The Storm
« Reply #19 on: January 11, 2005, 01:06:54 PM »
My question is this- I trade two Hammer balls for SC by Storm and a Sonic X by Rotogrip. Would getting SC in a trade count as being in this group? I'm leaning forward to Storm if they have the balls to fit my sytle. I am a power stroker. Converse me to Storm.
I hate ten pins but love the game of bowling with just the right ball to take them out.


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Re: Eye of The Storm
« Reply #20 on: January 11, 2005, 01:08:31 PM »
My question is this- I trade two Hammer balls for SC by Storm and a Sonic X by Rotogrip. Would getting SC in a trade count as being in this group? I'm leaning forward to Storm if they have the balls to fit my sytle. I am a power stroker. Converse me to Storm.

I'd think so.  If you enjoy storm i think that's all that matters.  And here's part 3 of our lesson on capitalism....



Merchants and trade are as old as civilization itself, but capitalism as a coherent economic system had its origins in Europe in the 13th century, toward the close of the feudal era. Human beings, Adam Smith said, have always had a propensity to “truck, barter, and exchange one thing for another.” This inclination toward trade and exchange was rekindled and stimulated by the series of Crusades that absorbed the energies of much of Europe from the 11th through the 13th centuries. The voyages of discovery in the 15th and 16th centuries gave further impetus to business and trade, especially following the vast flood of precious metals that poured into Europe after the discovery and conquest of the New World. The economic order that emerged from these events was essentially commercial or mercantile; that is, its central focus remained on the exchange of goods rather than on their production. Emphasis on production did not come until the rise of industrialism in the 19th century.
Before that time, however, an important figure in the capitalistic system began to emerge: the entrepreneur, or risk taker. A key element in capitalism is the undertaking of activity in the expectation that it will yield gain in the future. Because the future is unknown, both the risk of loss and the possibility of gain always exist. The assumption of risk involves the specialized role of the entrepreneur.
The thrust toward capitalism from the 13th century onward was furthered by the forces of the Renaissance and the Reformation. These momentous developments changed society enormously and paved the way for the emergence of the modern nation-state, which eventually provided the essential peace, law, and order crucial for the growth of capitalism. This growth is achieved through the accumulation of an economic surplus by the private entrepreneur and the plowing of this surplus back into the system for further expansion. Without some minimum of peace, stability, and continuity this process cannot continue.
- Andy

Viva la Brunswick Nation!!


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Re: Eye of The Storm
« Reply #21 on: January 11, 2005, 04:04:28 PM »
OK guys lets not say brunsick anymore, i dout anyone actually read those anyways?

WOW so 1st off they decide to put a smell in this new prostock. How much oil will this be able to handle?

AND would you look at the new core in that X-Factor!!! Whats SFA cover though? A new cover? Also wtf is Amaretto?


Tom Kelleys Pro Shop


Edited on 1/11/2005 5:02 PM


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Re: Eye of The Storm
« Reply #22 on: January 11, 2005, 07:08:53 PM »
It's a liqueur...made of almonds, or almond like shells, peach..that sort of thing. It's Italian, meaning...bitter...I sure hope the "Other" nation doesn't buy the ball just for a cheap drunk !!! but then......they can buy all the balls they want, helps boost sales, in some way.
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro


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Re: Eye of The Storm
« Reply #23 on: January 11, 2005, 07:30:23 PM »
You guys love my drivel don't you.  Here you go, Capitalism part 4.


Print Preview of Section

From the 15th to the 18th century, when the modern nation-state was being born, capitalism not only took on a commercial flavor but also developed in another special direction known as mercantilism. This peculiar form of capitalism attained its highest level in England.

The mercantilist system rested on private property and the use of markets for the basic organization of economic activity. Unlike the capitalism of Adam Smith, the fundamental focus of mercantilism was on the self-interest of the sovereign (that is, the state), and not the self-interest of the individual owners of economic resources. In the mercantilist era, the basic purpose of economic policy was to strengthen the national state and to further its aims. To this end the government exercised much control over production, exchange, and consumption.

The most distinctive feature of mercantilism was the state's preoccupation with accumulating national wealth in the form of gold and silver. Because most nations did not have a natural abundance of such precious metals, the best way to acquire them was through trade. This meant striving for a favorable trade balance—that is, a surplus of exports over imports. Foreign states would then have to pay for imports in gold or silver. Mercantilist states also favored maintaining low wages, believing that this would discourage imports, contribute to the export surplus, and thus swell the influx of gold.

More sophisticated proponents of the mercantilist doctrine understood that the real wealth of a nation was not its hoard of precious metals, but its ability to produce. They correctly saw that the influx of gold and silver from a favorable trade balance would serve as a stimulus to economic activity generally, thus enabling the state to levy more taxes and gain more revenue. Only a few states that practiced mercantilism, however, understood this principle.


Only 5 more sections on capitalism to go!  What should my next topic be? Oh, i know, a figurative clash, by doing it's counterpart, Communism.  I can even put in Marx's communist manifesto, and "Worker's of the World Unite"!!
- Andy

Viva la Brunswick Nation!!

Edited on 1/11/2005 8:30 PM


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Re: Eye of The Storm
« Reply #24 on: January 11, 2005, 07:47:02 PM »
SO ANYWAYS, what do you guys think is the staple in Storm's line?
- Andy

Viva la Brunswick Nation!!


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Re: Eye of The Storm
« Reply #25 on: January 11, 2005, 07:58:01 PM »
SO ANYWAYS, what do you guys think is the staple in Storm's line?
- Andy

Viva la Brunswick Nation!!

By far it has to be the Teal Flame.

I do actually throw mostly Storm right now (EPP, Depth Charge, Tour Power and a fancy Blue Team Storm ball) Those nicely compliment my ULTIMATE INFERNO AND ZONE CLASSIC (oops Brunswick word said)....


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Re: Eye of The Storm
« Reply #26 on: January 11, 2005, 07:58:56 PM »
Don't worry, you used "Brunswick" in a positive fashion.  You are spared from the spam attack..................for now.
- Andy

Viva la Brunswick Nation!!


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Re: Eye of The Storm
« Reply #27 on: January 11, 2005, 08:01:08 PM »
Oh yeah, I have a Silver Streak Pearl as well, that kinda counts as Storm....right?!?


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Re: Eye of The Storm
« Reply #28 on: January 11, 2005, 10:08:04 PM »
Do I count?  Here's my list:
El Nino Gold x2
El Nino Xit
El Nino Wrath
El Nino 2002 x2 (one still undrilled)
El Nino x2
Trauma Recovery
Traume ER
Trauma Unit Carbide
Sky Bolt
Power Bolt
Lightning Flash x3
Eraser Tour
Erase it
Eraser Boost
Super Power Pearl II (still undrilled)
Blue Thunder x3
Thunder Flash
Meteor Storm
X-Factor x2
X-factor Reloaded
X-factor World
Hot Rod
Hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl
Hot Wire
Tour Power x2
COre Power LRG
Fire Storm
Depth Charge
Soccer Ball test ball

I think thats it, there might be some that I have forgotten about.
Is it bad when you have to list the many bowling balls you've had on MULTIPLE sheets of paper? 148 and counting..............


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Re: Eye of The Storm
« Reply #29 on: January 11, 2005, 10:42:24 PM »
Can I be counted I love storm that is what I bowl with I only have other balls from other companies cause I got them for free. But storm is the best.

Not sure what to drill, drill a Storm or a Track there is no better.
Mike Marchak
NIU Grad 2010
Forward Together Forward Never Forget
I have Huskie Pride, how about you?


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Re: Eye of The Storm
« Reply #30 on: January 12, 2005, 03:03:39 PM »
Anyone can be in, just talk about something!

Like go up ^ a little and look at my last post.

Tom Kelleys Pro Shop
