Holy cow batman, this thing hooks!
Ball is sick, I actually think it outhooks my VG. Vg is drilled pin under, Furious is drilled pin above bridge, cg kicked out about 2 inches, small weight hole. OOB surface.
This ball is distustingly powerful. Ever person ive talk to that has one has polished it up because it is soooo aggressive OOB, I might have to do the same...
Rolls nicely, hits hard too, only problem is getting out corner pins every now and then. But that can be fixed.
Overall, great ball...just still cant believe it outhooks my VG...
Trinity High School "A" Bowling Team
Louisville, KY
State champs- 2002, 2003, and 2008
Ten Pin Lanes Pro Shop
Louisville, KY
Morehead State University Bowling
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