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Author Topic: Fate Review  (Read 10838 times)


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Fate Review
« on: November 05, 2022, 09:40:06 PM »
Layout: 4.5 x 30 (4.5 x 3 x 1.5)
Surface: 2000 abralon

The new Storm Fate brings the new F-8 core with the REX Pearl coverstock.  This combination brings a new look to the Storm Products family with a 2.52 rg and 0.053 differential in a symmetrical ball.  I was able to test the Fate on my typical 44ft house pattern as well as 40ft challenge pattern. 

House pattern test:
My first few shots out of the box with the original reacta gloss finish gave me a lot of length and fairly angular backend.  Due to my higher speed, I found that the factory finish did not allow the ball to read soon enough on the lane to get the reaction I was searching for.  My Phaze 5 is more of my cleaner and angular go to ball for games 2-3 of league.  I decided to change the surface to a 2000 abralon to get an earlier hooking reaction with a more continuous backend.  This shape would put the Fate as a step down from the infinite physix and a step up from the Phaze 5.  I was able to get the ideal ball reaction at this surface.  It's a cleaner infinite physix with a more continuous shape and it did not disappoint for me.  The ball really came around and read the midlane fairly well and still gave me the right shape to strike on the fresh.  The cleanliness of the cover actually allowed me to stay in the ball for all 3 games of league whole moving in and still seeing really good shape through the pins.  It's definitely one of those cleaner balls for me I can use either on the fresh or during the breakdown.  It's a ball that will stay in my bag for a while.  The strength of the rex cover can handle more oil with removal of the reacta gloss.  I recommend this for anyone who's ball creates too much length or for lower rev rates.

Challenge pattern review;
The fate on this pattern was a little touchy on the fresh due to the higher volume of the pattern.  Even at the 2000 surface, it was a little hard to control on the flatter pattern.  Once the lanes broke down for two games, I was able to use the fate with ease.  I was able to move left with my feet, open my angles and create a lot of good down lane motion.  For these type of patterns, the fate will be a better transition ball then a fresh ball.  Bringing the surface to a lower grit can help to use this earlier on the heavier oil patterns.

Adam Chase
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Kevin Duncan

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Re: Fate Review
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2022, 01:43:29 PM »
Storm Fate
Layout: 4.5 x 4 x 2 Storm Pin Buffer Layout
Rev Rate: 325 rpm, 7 degree of axis tilt, 40 degree of axis rotation
Testing information: 41 foot THS (medium to light volume)
Bowling Center: Fulton Bowling Center
Kegel Machine – Brunswick Anvilane

The Storm Fate utilizes the new F-8 Core and REX pearl reactive coverstock.  The 6th Edition in the Belmo line – Pro-Motion, Timeless, Drive, Trend, Trend 2 being the others.  We tested the Fate against the other new Storm release - the Phase V.  We liked what we saw from the Fate.  The motion of the Fate was just different enough from the Phase V that you could justify carrying both in your tournament bag.  The Fate had a touch earlier breakpoint than the Phase V and a defined motion on the back end of the lane.  Overall, I have the Fate slightly stronger than the Phase V, which is not exactly what I expected.  The higher RG in the Fate would indicate it being a little longer than the Phase V.  The reason it is not has to be the REX pearl cover is stronger than the clean R2S cover.  I can see myself using the Fate in Games 3 and 4 of a 4-game league.  It is my ball down from the 900 Global Altered Reality.  The Storm Phase V is also an option in this ball reaction category.
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Fate Review
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2022, 01:10:59 PM »
The Storm Fate is the latest ball from the Belmo line. It comes with the ReX Pearl Reactive, F-8 Core, and Reacta Gloss finish. For me, this is Belmo’s best ball to date, it is good. It will sit in between the Infinite and P5 in my bag. When my Infinite starts to see the lane too early, I can use the Fate due to the pearl cover and higher RG core allowing it to get down the lane a bit further. Or when I need to move left and throw to right, it has no problem coming back. When the P5 is getting down the lane too far and I am needing something to pick up a bit sooner, I can move into the Fate. The Fate will be good when the lanes start to break down in league and in the middle of tournament blocks. Another winner from the Belmo line!
Tobias Myers


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Re: Fate Review
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2022, 07:00:03 PM »
Ball Specs:
Storm Fate
Reacta Gloss ReXâ„¢ Pearl Reactive
Weight Block: F-8â„¢ Core (Symmetrical)
Color: Sapphire Pearl

The signature series has always been a very popular series and for good reason. The line continues to put out great products time after time. The Fate is another great piece in that line. Besides being linked to one of the best bowlers in the world this line has produced hit after hit after hit when it comes to bowling balls. The Fate is a ball that loves to get down the lane and make a strong backend motion that many bowlers love to see. Even with that sharp motion this ball can be easily tweaked in terms of surface alteration to make it playable on almost any condition. Besides offering great ball reaction this ball is just stunning to look at. The Sapphire color really pops when going down the lane. Make sure you grab one of these beauties!
Will Tefft
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Fate Review
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2022, 10:22:42 AM »
Storm Fate - Signature Line
Coverstock: ReX Pearl - Reacta Gloss
Core: F-8
RG: 2.52   Differential: .053 (15 lbs)
Layout: 5 x 6 x 3
PAP: 6" Right, 1 3/8" Up
Axis Tilt: 16°
Rotation: 51°
Rev Rate: 450-500
Speed: 17-18 mph
Location: AMF Pin-O-Rama, Utica, NY
Pattern: Kegel Main Street V2
The Fate is the latest installment in the Belmo signature series and it was designed to provide increased recovery and allow players of all types to play multiple angles. It shares the same ReX pearl cover as the Night Road, but has the new F-8 core. I have been a fan of the ReX pearl cover and the Night Road is always in my bag, so when I saw this release I was very excited. The Fate will come out of my bag before the Night Road because of the stronger core and its ability to start up sooner. Even though it reads earlier, it still provides great continuation through the pins. If you like the Night Road and are looking for a stronger and smoother reaction, the Fate is the ball you have been waiting for. Stop by your local Storm VIP pro shop to check it out!
Dave Jecko
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Re: Fate Review
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2022, 09:39:11 PM »
Storm Fate
Coverstock: ReX Pearl Reactive
Finish: Reacta Gloss
Core: F-8 Core
RG: 2.52, Diff: 0.053 (15 lbs)
VLS Layout: 4 3/4 x 4 x 2 1/2
Dual Angle Layout: 45 x 4 3/4 x 40
PAP: 5 3/16” right x 5/8” up
Rev rate: 400 rpm
Average speed: 16.5 mph
Location: Prairie Lanes, Sun Prairie WI
Pattern: Medium volume THS

The Storm Fate is the newest collaboration between Belmo and Storm Bowling.  It features the new F-8 core, which in 15-lbs has a medium RG (2.52) and a strong differential (0.053), and is wrapped in the ReX pearl coverstock with the Reacta Gloss finish.  This produces a ball motion that’s clean with a round and continuous backend that’s pretty versatile.

I’ve found the Reacta Gloss finish to be pretty comparable to the previous 1500-grit polish. So, as I often do with shiny bowling balls, I hit the surface with an old 3000-grit Abralon pad by hand just to get a few scratches on the surface and tame down how quickly the ball responds to friction.  I’ve quickly become a big fan of the ReX pearl cover which is also found on the Dark Code, Infinite PhysiX and Night Road – it digs in the oil more than R2S but still manages to produce a strong backend motion.  The ball motion I get from Fate is controllable yet clean and responsive.  I liken it to a stronger Hy-Road, or perhaps a better comparison is the (now banned) Spectre.  Compared to the Phaze V, which has a stronger core but weaker cover, Fate gets more traction in the oil and isn’t as quick off the dry – I think of Fate as a smoother Phaze V.  The Fate is strong enough to dig through all but the heaviest of oil, but it retains energy so it’s still firm off the friction.  The extra traction keeps the ball in play and I’ve been able to stay with it for an entire league set.  Plus, being a Belmo ball, it’s safe to say that the Fate has no problem with steeper angles towards the end of league.

The Fate is a perfect fit between Infinite PhysiX and Night Road as all three feature the same ReX pearl cover and offer great progression as the lanes go through transition.  League players will undoubtedly this one, and tournament bowlers in need of a transition ball should look no further.  I know many folks are on one side of the fence or the other when it comes to Belmo balls.  Even if you’re not a fan, you really should take a look at Fate, it’s really good and by far the best Belmo ball to date!

Chris Pollentier
Storm Products Pro Shop Staff


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Re: Fate Review
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2022, 07:21:25 AM »
The overall strength surprised me. Possibly as strong a shiny ball as I've used. While the amount of backend motion was incredible it still didn't have any trouble handling some oil for me. Definitely fills a spot in the bag that I didn't have.

Luke Rosdahl

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Re: Fate Review
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2022, 08:22:26 PM »
Fate review by Luke Rosdahl

The Fate is the latest collaboration between Storm and Jason Belmonte, and features the well known ReX Pearl cover from balls like the Dark Code, Infinite PhysiX, and Night Road, with the new F-8 core which comes in at a 2.52 RG and a .053 differential in 15 pounds.  The Fate is an exceptionally well rounded and versatile ball.  It’s fairly clean and responsive, but that’s tempered by the strength of the ReX cover formula which gives it strength and control.  It can be in play on a very wide range of conditions for a wide variety of bowlers because of its very balanced ball reaction. 

I used a 4.5 x 4 x 2 layout and left it at the Reacta Gloss box surface, I’m left handed, speed of 17mph, and rev rate of 375.  The Fate gives me a reaction I don’t normally get out of shiny balls on the left side, typically I have to use surface on something to get this kind of reaction, but the Fate puts me in a strong but smooth and controllable reaction while not transitioning the lane as fast as something with more surface does. 
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« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2022, 04:50:06 PM »
The all new Fate has the f8 core wrapped with the rex cover stock finished at reacta gloss. This ball is a friction monster. If you're looking for a ball that will get through the lane and have pop no matter how far you throw it right, look no further than the Fate. This belmo collaboration is by far my favorite of all of them. If you're a fan of the belmo series this is a must have in the bag. Pick your favorite layout and you'll be off to the races.

Anthony Wiegand


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Storm Fate Review by Lonnie Pemberton
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2022, 06:06:38 PM »
Lane Condition:

Volume: High
Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS


Cover: ReX Pearl
Core: F-8 Core
Finish: Reacta Gloss Factory Finish
RG: 2.54 (14lb)
Differential: 0.052 (14 lb)

Right-Handed Tweener
Speed: 12-13 mph
Rev Rate: 315
PAP: 4 7/8 Right 3/8 Up

Ball Layout: Pin over Bridge 5 1/2 Pin to Pap 2 inch Pin Buffer

The newest collaboration between Storm and Jason Belmonte is called the FATE. The signature line of balls that have been designed with Belmo's help have been very popular and have become known for creating some smooth rolling powerhouse balls. The FATE will be a welcome addition to the arsenal of anyone who is a fan of the Belmo Balls.

The Fate features the new F-8 core. This strong symmetric core features a higher RG for length but a higher Differential for power. They teamed it up with a highly polished version of the REX cover which was so popular on the Dark Code. The new reacta gloss finish really gets the length and I think it works well with this core.

I tested the Fate on our high volume house pattern at my home center. While it certainly is strong enough to use on a fresh pattern, for me it's best use was in the transition. This ball is really good at clearing the fronts when they burn up which is a constant worry on our surface. Alot of balls can feel very over/under because the added volume tends to result in carrydown. When the fronts burn and the backs tighten up simultaneously it can make you feel like you're in jail here game 2. The fate shows its power in the perfect part of the lane for this starting its motion midlane but making a strong continuous move off the back of the pattern.

I think the motion of the Fate will also be very popular on sport patterns as they transition and in places where they over-oil to counter act a not so great surface. Tricky house shot/ sport pattern killer.


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« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2022, 07:17:08 PM »
The Fate is the latest ball with the Belmo logo on it, this ball has a brand new core design in the F-8 which yields an RG of 2.52 and a differential of 0.053 and is wrapped around the REX Pearl cover. I drilled mine 5.5 x 5 x 5. After throwing this ball for awhile I was quite impressed of where it would fit in my bag. It doesn’t go as long as say a Hy Road or Night Road but it isn’t as early as some of the lower RG pearl balls are in the line. The Fate gave me the best of both worlds, it was clean in the heads but gave me enough mid lane motion for if I missed in the oil it still recovered. I will be using this ball in the middle and later in blocks where I need something cleaner through the fronts but not as long as some of the higher RG balls. This ball will also be great for many styles in league because of the medium RG value. I can see a lot of different styles using this ball throughout the night.


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Re: Fate Review
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2022, 10:10:49 AM »
Lane Condition
Length: 40
Volume: Medium
Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS

Storm Fate Ball Review by Trevor Roberts

The Fate is the newest collaboration between Storm and Jason Belmonte. I have liked several of Belmo's previous releases, so I was excited for this one! I noticed right away that the Fate has a very clean cover stock, which allows it to clear the fronts very easily. I practiced with this ball on both a fresh house shot and one that had a lot of games on it, and it got through the fronts on both very well. You will notice that the Fate hooks quite a bit down lane when it sees the friction. I threw it alongside the Wolverine and Night Road, and the Fate out hooked them both. It surprised me how fast it was off the spot. This is going to allow you to open up your angles and have the confidence it is going to hook back from further right.

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Trevor Roberts
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Right Handed
Rev Rate: 400
Speed: 16
PAP: 5 1/2 up 13/16


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Re: Fate Review
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2022, 09:55:37 AM »
I drilled my FATE at 60 x 4.5 x 30 which is a favorite drilling for me on pearl balls. I cracked the surface with a fresh 3000 pad to get the shine a little duller. I put it side by side with some other high end pearl Storm releases like the PHAZE V, INFINITE PHYSIX, and NIGHT ROAD. I used this primarily on house conditions as when it was released, the PBA50 regional season had ended.

On our house shot which is close to 40 feet with medium volume, the FATE is a beast and sometimes hard to control if playing too close to the friction. Obviously compared to the INFINITE, the FATE is a ball or two down as the INFINITE is definitely stronger and earlier. The PHAZE V is closer to the FATE. The FATE got thru to the spot a little easier for me and if I scuffed the PHAZE V, then the FATE would be a great 1-2 option for these pairings. Compared to the NIGHT ROAD, the FATE is quicker and stronger. Again another 1-2 option scenario with a little surface on the FATE. To me, the FATE is the strongest Belmo release from Storm so far. Drill this one up when you want something to get thru the fronts cleaner or when you INFINITE is starting up too quickly.
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH

Michael Slatky

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Re: Fate Review
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2022, 08:40:42 AM »
Coverstock:  ReX Pearl Reactive
Finish:  Reacta Gloss
Core:  F - 8
RG:  2.52
Differential:  0.053

Layout: 4 3/4 x 4 x 4 - 2LS
Layout Extras:  2 1/8 Finger Depth, "X" - 4 1/2 D and 1 Inch Left
Tester: PAP 6 1/2 R, 1 1/4 D

The Storm FATE has combined parts of R2S and NeX to make ReX in its coverstock formulation. Although this formula provides an extreme angular impact on a bowling ball the Reacta Gloss finish helps the ball move longer through the front part of the lane. In addition, your eyes will see a more controlled reaction compared to the traditional 1500 Factory Finish polish that was previously used.

The FATE will perform best in situations where you need to open your angles on most THS conditions. The FATE will provide a nice amount of length with good recovery downlane.  If you are currently a fan of the previous Belmo releases you already know what this one can do.  If you have not been introduced to the FATE be sure to check this one out.

For me, I decided to go with my standard benchmark 2LS layout. Before rolling this ball I was a bit concerned that the the FATE would be a touch sideways and likely over/under for me. However, I was pleasantly surprised how smooth the FATE is through the front part of the lane and the room I had available off the spot as I continued to move inside.

From what I personally have witnessed so far from SPI MatchMaker events and for the limited time I have had with this ball it appears to be a homerun for most league conditions. At this time, I have not changed the surface on my FATE, but likely will touch it up with a 3K or 4K pad.  As a general rule I tend to knock the factory shine off most of my pearl pieces.  I'm definitely excited for this ball from the Belmo collection from Storm.

Michael Slatky
900 Global Staff Member
York, PA


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Re: Fate Review
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2023, 09:05:32 PM »
Storm Fate
Specs: F-8 core with ReX pearl reactive coverstock finished with Storm Reacta Gloss
Layout: 50 x 5 x 50

I was chopping at the bits waiting for this ball since I wanted something to replace my 900 Global Wolverine that served me quite well for several months. I used a little stronger overall layout over the Wolverine because I started to bowl more and more at a center with SPLs that are well maintained and well cared for. Well, Storm and Belmo came out swinging with this latest signature release. I really love the overall and readable reaction, and I can see more bowlers using the Storm FATE over any other of the signature releases. Of all the newer releases, this has become a favorite for me fast. It has a little later angle entry then my trusted Hyped Hybrid, but not shockingly hard like the Phaze V with Reacta Gloss. I feel that the Reacta Gloss bonds very well to the ReX coverstock. I found myself using the FATE more and more in practice and league matches because the ball just works well on all stages of the pattern breakdown, if the track area starts burning up, I don’t have to make major changes, I will move left and go more direct and using a breakpoint farther down the lane instead of changing to a different ball. The Storm FATE has actually taught me how to play the lanes better during the course of a match, practice or even fun bowling with friends. The Storm FATE has been heavily used during the Storm Matchmakers events that I have been a part of or had the privilege to run and coordinate. The Storm FATE is a solid piece for any level of bowler and any type of lane surface and pattern. Don’t test FATE and go visit your local pro shop and drill up the Storm Fate and start striking like Belmo does.