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Author Topic: Fear Factor vs Triple Xtreme - Which to Polish?  (Read 1479 times)


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Fear Factor vs Triple Xtreme - Which to Polish?
« on: February 14, 2012, 11:31:20 PM »
Hi guys,


I am fine tuning my arsenal and I was wondering what everyone thought about which ball would be good to polish as I have both the Fear Factor and the Triple Xtreme at the moment and I want to polish up one of them. In the past I polished the Fear Factor and immediately shot a 280 with it so I am tempted to go down that route again. 


I throw the ball around 16mph with medium revs I suppose, maybe lower medium and I general like to stand around 15 on the left and throw it over 7-10 on the left side. 

Which do you think would be better to get down the lane and then snap into the pocket?  I have a ball spinner in my house so I can easily do both so I might just experiment with both to see which I like best but I thought Id ask you guys first :)


Thanks guys 



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Re: Fear Factor vs Triple Xtreme - Which to Polish?
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2012, 07:54:48 AM »
The Triple-X would be my 1st choice for polish experiments, because it is a pure reactive while the FF is a particle ball (sort of, with Storm's wacky soft particle stuff, I think) and more arcing/earlier by nature. It would also depend on the balls' layouts - preferrably take one that is drilled suitably for the desired reaction.

DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
2010/11 Benrather BC Club Champion
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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Fear Factor vs Triple Xtreme - Which to Polish?
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2012, 08:08:38 AM »
Hi Dizzyfugu,
Thanks for your response. Yes that is a good point and seeing as I have never tried the triple Xtreme plished before I will give that a go. I think from memory they are both drilled very similar so could you explain what you mean by "suitable layout"? I suppose this means which was was drilled to move earlier/later and then shine the later one?


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Re: Fear Factor vs Triple Xtreme - Which to Polish?
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2012, 09:06:47 AM »
Yup, exactly. Theoretically, if both are drilled the same/in a similar fashion, IMHO the FF should still react more smoothly. If you want more "pop" from one of them, I'd say: go with the Triple-X, and keep the FF dull. They should make a good combo this way for medium to medium-oily conditions with this setup.

DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
2010/11 Benrather BC Club Champion
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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany

Jesse James

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Re: Fear Factor vs Triple Xtreme - Which to Polish?
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2012, 09:14:59 AM »
You say you want to polish one of them....why? If you polish one, it will push down the lane farther, but it will also snap off the spot harder. Is that what you are looking for? I know from experience the TripleX-Extreme is a snappy ball by nature, and because of it's core. Is that what you are looking for? an extremely snappy ball? Be ready to see a lot of ten-pins!


I generally polish balls just to give me more length......then,  fine tune that polish for control on the backend. I like that you're a Retro kind of bowler. I too have found a lot of recent success going backwards in time with my ball use.



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Re: Fear Factor vs Triple Xtreme - Which to Polish?
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2012, 11:09:18 AM »
Hi guys,
Thanks for the responses. Yes I am looking for the ball to push further down the lane so I think this will work well and then I can use it when either the heads dry up and I need a ball to skid through but then hook and also when the carry down happens as well.  


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Re: Fear Factor vs Triple Xtreme - Which to Polish?
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2012, 04:18:38 PM »
My Triple Xtreme was very aggressive by nature. Had a leverage drilling on it and never adjusted the surface. I have ball speed ranging from 16 to 19 mph and length was never an issue. I do however use a bit more loft than others. My advice would be maybe find an Original X Factor. I have one I'm looking to part with. Or a Triple X Factor. I still have an undrilled Triple Xtreme I am thinking of drilling up in the near future. Anyway, let me know how it works for you.



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