I attended a ball demo over the weekend as was able to throw the following:
Alpha Crux
Pitch Blue
Eternal Cell
The demo was on a house wall on new Anvil lane. I brought my IQ Tour, Lock, and IQ Nano as benchmark pieces.
The Alpha Crux is strong with big continuation. I was able to move a couple right with my Lock and hit the pocket the same way. The Alpha is stronger but I dont think I need both.
In short, the Fight sucked. I think the cover is too aggressive for the core. It starts and lays down. I had high hopes but it wasn't meant to be.
The Phase was an over/under mess for me to the point is was unusable. The Pitch Blue is what it is ... fun to throw but more of a novelty item. I have a Pitch Black and dont see the need for both.
The Eternal Cell was close to the IQ Nano and IQ Tour.. similar motion.
The Hywire was WAY too sideways ... if you want skid/flip then this is your ball.
I ended up buying a Critical. The ball had good length and smooth strong continuation that I don't have with anything else in my arsenal. It could come close to the IQ Tour with a little more length and continuation. It gave me length of a IQ Tour but the strength of a much stronger ball ... it was very unique.
Has anyone else attended one of these? What were your observations?