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Author Topic: Filling gap between my IQ Tour and Ride Swapping Lock for Haywire/Alpha Crux  (Read 2903 times)


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I currently have a Fight in the spot between my IQ Tour and Ride. Really never got any results with the Fight. Tried all different surface adjustments and still no consistent reaction. Looking at buying a Hyroad to fill the gap. Also looking at swapping out my Lock for a Haywire or Alpha Crux. Going to Nationals soon and want to be prepared for anything. Lock just leaves so many corner pins. Looks like Alpha Crux is the real deal. Loads of honor scores in my leagues with the Alpha. Not sure if the Haywire will be strong enough to handle the heavy ice oil used in Reno. I could go Alpha Crux/Haywire, IQ Nano, IQ Tour, Hyroad and my Ride for Reno. Ride mainly for spares but it sure works when when the gutters are dry. Looking for opinions on anybody that has thrown these balls and how they compare. Hyroad is a sure thing but really want to know about Alpha Crux and Haywire.Need a ball to handle the slick conditions better than my IQ Nano.  Thank you to all.



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Have you tried polishing your Lock. I have and its money for me. My Lock has been my best carrying ball and most used ball since I picked it up when it was released. For heavy oil  (imo) I would look for a Hyper Cell.
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Yes sir   I have polished my Lock and still can't string many strikes together. How is yours drilled? Thinking maybe asymmetric isn't for me. Mine is drilled 4x4x2 pin above ring.Looking at a symmetric haywire to take its place.


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Yes sir   I have polished my Lock and still can't string many strikes together. How is yours drilled? Thinking maybe asymmetric isn't for me. Mine is drilled 4x4x2 pin above ring.Looking at a symmetric haywire to take its place.
Sorry, I don't have my layout specs, other than it is pin up and was drilled strong. Sometimes you just match up with a ball and sometimes you don't. I feel that I match up better with asymmetric balls, most of the time. This one matches up for me. I had a Haywire and I just didn't like my reaction, so again sometimes you get lucky on a match up.
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It is not about "handling" heavy oil, but rather about controlling your breakpoint on the flatter USBC pattern.  For example my Lock out hooks my Paradox, but the Paradox is much more controllable on flatter patterns, while still giving me hitting power.  Based on limited experience with the alpha crux and a lot of experience with the Lock, I would opt for the A Crux. 

Look for stuff that will hit when you square up a bit, rather than stuff that you hope can open up the lane.