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Author Topic: fire diablo  (Read 1634 times)


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fire diablo
« on: March 19, 2006, 09:28:04 AM »
this ball is sweet! needed a piece for longer patterns, and also something to open up the lanes in a house that is known for tight backends. drilled up my diablo pin 3 3/8 from pap, cg 1 1/2 from my pap. need a balance hole on the val in the thumb quadrant, a basic rev leverage drilling. i am very happy with this ball. the motion of the diablo is one i haven't had in a long time: strong move, continuious backend. i was hard to blow it through the breakpoint. i'll update you guys next week, i'm bowling in a tournament thats using the 41' world championship pattern, untill then good luck!
STORM:If You Hear The Thunder,Sorry,The Lightning's Already Struck!
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Re: fire diablo
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2006, 05:49:23 PM »
Agreed! Very sweet ball indeed.  Extremely strong ball at that price point.  

Reactor solid + Twin V core = WOW!
That which doesn't kill you will only make you stronger, that which doesn't make you stronger is a waste of time!

Edited on 3/19/2006 6:49 PM


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Re: fire diablo
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2006, 05:52:06 PM »
vt turkey, i noticed in your profile you have the fired up. how does it compare to the diablo. i'm interested in getting the fu to replace my recharge. what gives! any help would be appreciated.
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Re: fire diablo
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2006, 06:19:36 PM »
The difference I see in the two is that the Diablo reads earlier and starts hooking in the mids with a strong, continuos move through the pins.  The FU goes longer and makes a very strong, almost snappy move on the back end.  Each ball has its place in my bag for different conditions that I face.  The two compliment each other very well...kinda like peanut butter and jelly.  LOL
That which doesn't kill you will only make you stronger, that which doesn't make you stronger is a waste of time!


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Re: fire diablo
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2006, 06:22:09 PM »
thanks for the info man. the fired up is definitely next in my arsenal. need something a little stronger to replace my recharge. may make the recharge a dryer lane ball, lol!
STORM:If You Hear The Thunder,Sorry,The Lightning's Already Struck!
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Re: fire diablo
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2006, 06:26:46 PM »
thanks for the info man. the fired up is definitely next in my arsenal. need something a little stronger to replace my recharge. may make the recharge a dryer lane ball, lol!
STORM:If You Hear The Thunder,Sorry,The Lightning's Already Struck!

If I'm not mistaken, the Eraser Banshee was the replacement for the Recharge...from my profile, you can see that I also have an EB as well.  The FU is MUCH STRONGER than the EB and can handle more oil (notice they are both drilled about the same and both are polished to 1500).  The EB still has a place in my arsenal as well...short/medium length, light oil.
That which doesn't kill you will only make you stronger, that which doesn't make you stronger is a waste of time!

Edited on 3/19/2006 7:27 PM


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Re: fire diablo
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2006, 07:46:20 AM »
I have had both the Fired Up and the Diablo.  Both great pieces of equipment and love the price range they are in.  I wish i would have given them more time, The fired up had a unique reaction of which i havent seen, it was the strongest pearl ball I'd ever seen but it didnt snap it was the hardest most readble move ive seen.  The diablo had teeth.  This ball would bite it some of the slickest conditions.  But it needed head oil or it would die.  Need less to say on the given condition these balls are the shiz nit.  Can''t wait to put the pyro in my hand it going to be here today.  Will post my mini review soon.
Boy do I love bowling, stone 8,stone 9, ringer 7,fly by 10,fast six got to love this game.  Short look at what most of my games look like with a few strikes peppered in between.  Isn't it wonderful.


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Re: fire diablo
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2006, 09:53:13 AM »
thanks guys. looking forward to the fu. let us know how the pyro does! interested in that one too!
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