quote:OK SERIOUSLY MAN EVERY FORUM THAT IS THE MOST IRRITATING THING YOU CAN DO!--------------------There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT! Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! 03/04/05 Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!There is but One Power, One Order, One Ball. There is only the F.O.S. and there is only the Lane#1 Buzzsaw!
quote:quote:OK SERIOUSLY MAN EVERY FORUM THAT IS THE MOST IRRITATING THING YOU CAN DO!--------------------There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT! Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! 03/04/05 Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!There is but One Power, One Order, One Ball. There is only the F.O.S. and there is only the Lane#1 Buzzsaw!AGREED.. Putting that post in every forum is very annoying and not needed to get the point across. OK, we all now know you oepned an online pro shop. I will again say, prices are to high..--------------------If they only made a ball that would carry that da_n 7 pin (and I am right handed!!)jkiser01
quote:Not every forum just the ones we deal with.
quote:quote:quote:OK SERIOUSLY MAN EVERY FORUM THAT IS THE MOST IRRITATING THING YOU CAN DO!--------------------There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT! Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! 03/04/05 Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!There is but One Power, One Order, One Ball. There is only the F.O.S. and there is only the Lane#1 Buzzsaw!AGREED.. Putting that post in every forum is very annoying and not needed to get the point across. OK, we all now know you oepned an online pro shop. I will again say, prices are to high..--------------------If they only made a ball that would carry that da_n 7 pin (and I am right handed!!)jkiser01Not every forum just the ones we deal with.As for pricing they are competitive with just about everyone give or take a few dollars. I am not going to get rich with those prices either. Just offering another option with additional options that some don't offer.--------------------Billy Ray