Ok, drilled it stacked (4x3.5) and put the weighthole in a flare increasing location (right of my thumb about 4 inches). Left it in box, 800 grit. The first house I used it at is a 41 foot pattern, medium-high oil volume with sharp backends. I started at straight up 8 at about 17.5 mph and 250 revs. It was hook/setting, or hook/stopping and was kinda hitting flat, plus it was overhooking. Moved a little left. Still hook/stopping and hitting flat, left a REALLY flat 10 my first ball out of practice. My diagnosis (which was correct, as I found out later that night) was that it was burning up too much on the backend, because it was rolling and revving great before it started to move. Played about 15 out to 7 and back in. Great reaction, all I left were a couple flat 10's (and a fill ball 9) for 268. Then I started coming in a little high, 4 pins like crazy. Tried to play through the burn and just increase my speed. Very very bad idea. The ball was still reacting great, but it started the hook/stop thing on the backends again. So yes, it was burning too much energy, but I was still getting to the pocket. Worst game I've had in weeks, 187. Last game I moved RIGHT (yes, dumber move . . ) to see if getting a better angle on it would help the carry. Minus the 8 pin, and two ring 10's, it was doing great, until I let up a little on one and it dove. Switched to the Depth Charge to finish with 210. 665 is 665, but it's also my lowest set at that house in the last 10 weeks . .
Next house, synthetic house where the oil volume has been kicked up significantly. BEFORE THE LEAGUE, I took the surface up to 1500 grit polish. Still kind of a short pattern, but a lot more oil. Stupid me, yes, I started going down and in. I've had a lot of trouble with over/under there before, so I wanted to keep things tight. The smoother reaction plus more oil helped a little, but I was still getting hook/stop, mostly I'm guessing because of the outside dry. Moved to my next stop, 15 to 7, and it was doing ok, but nothing special. Finally in the 10th of my last game, I moved quite a bit deeper, about 22 out to 8, and it came alive. More oil, a tad slower speed, and a lot more revs, and it was absolutely beautiful. All 3 in the 10th were just great. I'm not used to a ball liking oil that much. But yes, I know where to play with it now. It still does more of a hook/set, but it rolls and revs up great, so I'll have no worries and no problem getting the ball where it needs to be to find the 1-3. Once I get my head on straight, it'll be great.
New member of the Metal Militia!!! If you think Simple Plan is metal, then you must die. And not get to be a member . .\m/!!!