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Author Topic: Flip block on the bottom of weight block versus the Top  (Read 9669 times)


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Flip block on the bottom of weight block versus the Top
« on: April 09, 2013, 11:17:38 PM »
Storm has many balls with weight blocks that they have put the flip block at the top of the core, then they will take the same core and flip it so that the flip is on the bottom of the core for another ball in their lines.

What are the expectations of this flip of the cores.  Expectations for flip block on the top?  Expectations for flip block on the bottom?


PS I just reused a Hot Wire with the flip block on the bottom ....smooth and medium strength.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2013, 11:19:51 PM by LuckyLefty »
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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana



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Re: Flip block on the bottom of weight block versus the Top
« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2013, 07:30:42 PM »

I agree with you!  For those outlier conditions, Strong balls strong or weak balls weak.

I see very little of the weak balls needed weak on the left side, but a lot of wet.

I think you are a lefty also(and a darn darn good one if I remember right!).  Surprisingly on the left for flat oil I just keep using my higher rg, high diff Track Spell.
Drilled medium.
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It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Flip block on the bottom of weight block versus the Top
« Reply #17 on: April 13, 2013, 09:33:07 AM »

When the flip block is on top, it gets "drilled into" with drillings that have the pin around the fingers. This alters the shape of the core more, and can vary the reaction shape very much so. As someone else noted earlier about the Fired Up and the Spitfire, you could really drill out the diff on the Fire Up because the flip block reduces its affect on gyration of the core because you are no lowering the "weight" of the flip block, hence more skid snap because less differential. With the block on the bottom like the SpitFire, you are not touching that flip block and the integrity of the block remains, and allows the core to do closer to what the intended design was for, allowing for more flare and thus your earlier smoother reaction.

 As a student of modern drilling theories, I get what you are saying, and can appreciate your understanding of things. I was just giving as simple an answer as I could to a question that appeared pretty basic in it's asking.

 Gave a "real world" sampling of what I had observed in my practical usage of the equipment in question.
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Re: Flip block on the bottom of weight block versus the Top
« Reply #18 on: April 17, 2013, 09:00:36 PM »
Hey DP:  You said:  Once you understand the correlation between what core numbers do and how layouts can enhance or weaken them, I can guarantee that you'll never drill a ball again that "doesn't do what you drilled it to do"

Do you have any posts or links to websites that spell this out?  I am pretty conversant with dual angle layouts and have general understanding of Low RG vs High Rg.  Differentials/ Int diff and ratios are where I lose track. 

Low Rg balls tend to be rolly and easier to change directoin with for me.  Hi RG lopes more and is harder to bend around the corner. 

I'd love to hear your thoughts on how to put it all together. 


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Re: Flip block on the bottom of weight block versus the Top
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2013, 10:27:48 AM »
In 2008-2009 I was applying for a position with the USBC and they wanted me to provide a writing sample/thesis on ball motion.  I wrote about an 8 page paper on it and submitted it. I never heard back from them for the position but a few people I shared the article with in the business loved it.  After the pro shop I was working for closed in 2009, I just lost all drive/care for the business to be honest. I haven't drilled since then and have only bowled one full season since.  I'm not sure if that article is still floating around the web or in the hands of anyone else, but I honestly don't want to start over something in such great detail again.  There's a lot of great avenues out there with great info drilling wise.  Mo Pinel's articles and the new Storm tool are great tools to use.  If I can find any of the many articles that I wrote years ago I'd gladly share them, but I unfortunately don't have any of that old stuff saved.


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Re: Flip block on the bottom of weight block versus the Top
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2013, 11:16:52 PM »
In 2008-2009 I was applying for a position with the USBC and they wanted me to provide a writing sample/thesis on ball motion.  I wrote about an 8 page paper on it and submitted it. I never heard back from them for the position but a few people I shared the article with in the business loved it.  After the pro shop I was working for closed in 2009, I just lost all drive/care for the business to be honest. I haven't drilled since then and have only bowled one full season since.  I'm not sure if that article is still floating around the web or in the hands of anyone else, but I honestly don't want to start over something in such great detail again.  There's a lot of great avenues out there with great info drilling wise.  Mo Pinel's articles and the new Storm tool are great tools to use.  If I can find any of the many articles that I wrote years ago I'd gladly share them, but I unfortunately don't have any of that old stuff saved.

I've read some of Mo's stuff.  Seems more complicated than it needs to be.  If you come across your old writing, send me a PM or post it here.  I'm pretty conversant but I wish there was a list of 1 liners somewhere that I could refer to.  EG.  A smaller VAL angle makes the ball do.........