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Author Topic: For the storm experts.....  (Read 811 times)

Mr Lefty

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For the storm experts.....
« on: July 01, 2005, 04:45:12 AM »
how would you say the depth charge compares to the friend was looking to pick this one up and wants something with the same kind of reaction like the trauma recovery....

Favortie Companies: Track & Hammer

Gee I wonder how would the slogan be if they combined both...

"Nothing hits like a...Evolutionary Revolutionary"



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Re: For the storm experts.....
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2005, 02:44:11 PM »
Yi, I don't know.  I LOVED my Recovery, and wish I could find something else close.  I think the Depth Charge is going to rev too early and have too much backend.  The Ace would be the closest, as I BELIEVE both balls share particle pearl ACCU-Tread for their coverstock.  I think the Depth is Pro-thane particle pearl.  I had an Ace, and for me, it was too over under, but I didn't have it drilled strong enough.  I think the Ace will be too flippy, but with a smoother drilling and maybe a little coverstock prep, it should be the closest you'll find.  That Recovery hit like Kratos too, geez.
Space for rent or suggestions . .