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Author Topic: For those who have 2 T-Road pearls  (Read 998 times)


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For those who have 2 T-Road pearls
« on: November 19, 2007, 04:02:32 AM »
Hey everyone, I have a T-Road pearl which I really really like.  I have it drilled with the pin below my bridge and the c.g. is not swung out at all.  I like the ball so much that I am considering getting another one with a longer pin and putting it above my fingers.  While I love the reaction of my current T-Road pearl, I was hoping for a much more angular backend reaction.  The reaction I get out of my T-Road pearl is more a hard arc, just below that boomerang backend that I hear everyone say that this ball provides.  In theory, I know that putting the pin above the fingers would save more for the backend, but my question is to all the people who have 2 or more T-Road pearls and if they see any significant difference between the ones they have with a pin low layout and a pin high layout.  Thanks for any input that you can provide.



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Re: For those who have 2 T-Road pearls
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2007, 06:19:45 PM »
Like this:

There was a noticeable difference. Like you said, the pin under was a more arcing, rolly type reaction, but still had a punch in the back end. The pin up acted as if there were no front part of the lane, then in reved up, flared, and took off. By far one of my favorite balls.


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Re: For those who have 2 T-Road pearls
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2007, 08:40:11 PM »
Wow, that is scary how close that is to what I am talking about.  Your pin under T-Road has the c.g. swung out a tad more than mine, but they are pretty close.  Your second one is pretty much exactly the way I was thinking about laying my second one out.  Might move the pin more toward being above my middle finger, but pretty close nonetheless.  Thanks for the reply, I think I am going to go ahead and do it because the center I bowl in on Tuesday nights has been giving me some trouble as of late.  Too much backend is never enough in that place.  Thanks again for the input.


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Re: For those who have 2 T-Road pearls
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2007, 03:56:10 AM »
I had my Troad drilled with the pin above the middle finger and the CG kicked way out. (there is a pic in my SIG)

and I had to get it redrilled cause it was flaring backwards..

I would put as much hand on it as I could and it would just skate... but when it Did react... there is a tonne of back end on it..

Depending on your PAP tho it may be good.

with my pap that put it @ a 6x4

now its about 5x4 with pin above the ring

its a beast...
In The Bag:
     Paradigm, Tropical, Special Agent, T-Road Pearl
Lane 1:
     Cobalt Bomb
Columbia 300:
     Target Zone  
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