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Author Topic: Forward Roll  (Read 943 times)


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Forward Roll
« on: October 09, 2007, 05:48:15 AM »
I was wondering which of the Storm balls are better for the forward roll and not the skid/flip ones. Also what are good layouts for this type of roll on oil and med lanes?



Dan Belcher

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Re: Forward Roll
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2007, 02:02:24 PM »
I've got a good bit of forward roll in my release.  I've found the EMC core in the Agent series gives me enough mid-lane to get great entry angle.  My Special Agent served me quite well on the PBA Experience patterns when a pearl surface wouldn't work.  And I've actually had good luck with the Spit Fire when there's some friction -- I've thrown it hard from the right side and swung it on bone dry patterns and gotten great carry.  I, however, don't usually match up with it very well on fresh oil.


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Re: Forward Roll
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2007, 02:56:22 PM »
I also have a Special Agent and Spit Fire and agree they are good forward roll balls. I think the new Sure Fire also fits into this category based on reviews. I'm hoping to get a Sure Fire in the next week or two to go in between the Spit Fire and Special.

The drilling on my Special is based on layout #2 on Storms drill sheet: This works well on Medium Heavy and some Medium conditions. Great midlane read with a strong continuous back end. A very smooth rolling predictable ball with excellent carry. I've had success with it on Wet/Dry and Med. Heavy house shots, Nationals and on the Shark pattern in my PBA Experience league.

To me the Spit Fire is strong for a pearl ball but fairly versatile. Mine is drilled pin above ring finger, 45 degrees with an x-hole on my pap. It gets easy length with a late midlane read and has a very hard rolling arc at the end. I use it the most on medium conditions. It can work on med-dry conditions if there's some head oil left somewhere on the lanes but it can leave a lot of corner pins if you hit too much dry with it. I prefer to use my Zone Classic on the med-dry shots. I've had success with the Spit Fire on medium house shots, Nationals and on the Cheetah and Chamelion patterns in my PBA league.