
Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: Ragnar on March 30, 2012, 06:08:00 PM

Title: Frantic cracking
Post by: Ragnar on March 30, 2012, 06:08:00 PM
Anyone having trouble with these balls cracking?  4 local guys bought this ball and had it crack after about 20 games.  Always the same crack - a straight line at about 90 degrees to the track, out from the  middle finger.  Clearly not a glue caused crack (they're usually crescent shaped or spider web shaped).  BUT, I know of another pro shop that has sold a dozen or so with no problems.  I'm thinking a bad batch?  Anyone heard of this?

Title: Re: Frantic cracking
Post by: Artimust on March 30, 2012, 09:34:01 PM
 I had 3 900 Global balls crack recently and what gets me is they won't warranty balls (any manufacturer) if you put inserts.  We spend hundreds on balls at like $200 a pop, and 2 months later. So
Doesn't sound right to me. It's a ball, even cellphones and other fragile electronic gadgets have better warranties.

I know it sounds like I'm in denial, but I'm not.
Title: Re: Frantic cracking
Post by: trackfiend on March 30, 2012, 10:27:15 PM
 I have no idea what you meen by "if you put in inserts" i only throw track and i geuss im glad i have had two crack in the last 3 years and they were replaced no prob the guys at track r the best hands down and thats why i am a loyal track fiend lol

Title: Re: Frantic cracking
Post by: greenefam on March 30, 2012, 11:05:11 PM
Two things.  First, this clearly sounds like a bad batch.  Second, Storm has always stood by their balls.  I'd send their tech. support an email at:
They will probably ask for pictures of the ball and the serial numbers, but I am confident they will take care of their customers.

Title: Re: Frantic cracking
Post by: Artimust on March 30, 2012, 11:12:46 PM
 What does it mean to put inserts?  Warranties are usually voided if you put grips in your finger holes.  

I know it sounds like I'm in denial, but I'm not.
Title: Re: Frantic cracking
Post by: bhman79 on April 02, 2012, 11:03:51 AM
My first frantic cracked within 25 games going away from the track.  Drilled a small hole and filled it to keep the crack from progressing further.  I still use this ball.  I did however receive a replacement and that ball cracked within 10 games straight into the track from the thumb..  I'm on my third frantic (second replacement) and have about 30 games on this ball with no problem as of yet.  Storm did a great job with replacement and gave my pro shop no hassle at all.  As a side note this ball has to be in my top 5 favorite balls from storm, even with the hiccups.

Title: Re: Frantic cracking
Post by: charlest on April 02, 2012, 11:23:15 AM
Given that we have seen very few reports of the Frantic cracking here on ballreviews, and since it was all local bowlers, could they have used the same driller?
If so, I'd suspect he/she wasn't taking all the necessary precautions.

"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Title: Re: Frantic cracking
Post by: ccrider on April 02, 2012, 11:40:48 AM
 I have had 2 storm balls crack. A virtual gravity and a nano.  Bought the nano over the Internet. Sent Storm two or thee emails and never got a reply.   Went ahead and fixed the Nano and have not bought a Storm ball since.  

Those that can do. Those that can't complain. Pimpin ain't easy, but it's mandatory.

Most things we like, we don't need. Most things we need, we don't like. Don't confuse your likes with your needs.
Title: Re: Frantic cracking
Post by: scotts33 on April 02, 2012, 11:43:45 AM
My Frantic has 30+ games on problems.  289 3rd game last Thurs. 5 man.


Title: Re: Frantic cracking
Post by: Ragnar on April 02, 2012, 12:06:26 PM
Local bowlers, yes, but two different drillers.  And the one who is 30 miles away has drilled a number of other Frantics, but from a different batch, and had no troubles.  I'm pretty sure it's just a batch problem.
charlest wrote on 4/2/2012 9:23 AM:
Given that we have seen very few reports of the Frantic cracking here on ballreviews, and since it was all local bowlers, could they have used the same driller?
If so, I'd suspect he/she wasn't taking all the necessary precautions.

"None are so blind as those who will not see."


Title: Re: Frantic cracking
Post by: jls on April 02, 2012, 07:05:16 PM
Have never had a problem with a Frantic cracking... The Frantic has been an excellent seller for
our shop... But if we ever do have a problem with a Frantic cracking...I'm sure the Good People
at Storm will take care of it...

Title: Re: Frantic cracking
Post by: StormTechDept on April 02, 2012, 08:05:26 PM



Even though our warranty explains that inserts void a balls warranty, we normally work around that if we find they were not a direct result of the ball cracking. Typically all warranty claims are to go back through the place of purchase, but we want to make sure our customers are taken care of.


ccrider, we reply to all emails that come into our tech department, but there is a chance our response could have made it into your spam folder. In any case, please feel free to contact us regarding any issues with your equipment or contact the place of purchase for warranty.


Thank you.

Bowl up a STORM!!!!!

Storm Tech Dept
Title: Re: Frantic cracking
Post by: completebowler on April 02, 2012, 11:44:36 PM
Thanks for the response StormTech. I was going to defend you guys as Storm has been the best company hands down when it comes to customer/pro shop support in my experince.


Drill with confidence people. They back their stuff up.



All Star Bowling & Trophy