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Author Topic: frantic layout suggestions please  (Read 2315 times)


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frantic layout suggestions please
« on: November 27, 2012, 10:24:49 PM »
just ordered a frantic and trying to figure out what kind of layout to go with.  I have an onyx vibe but has a pin down layout (sorry I'm not very fluent with angles and pin distances)  pin is under my ring finger (RH)  and is just too early so I went back to storm and got a frantic

I'm thinking of a pin up layout maybe something around 5 inches from pap
maybe a pin above my middle finger or above the bridge

i want it to go long but just wanna make sure the backend is there but maybe a little controlled if that makes any sense

prolly high 300's rev rate
high track
rotation is between up the back and on the side i would say

sorry i cant provide more info i don't have a pro shop in my town that takes the time to find all these things before they drill a ball but i think with the frantic i want to get my pap figured out and get my rotation and tilt and all that seen at least.  just need some guidance from the storm nation... thanks



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Re: frantic layout suggestions please
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2012, 08:46:09 AM »
Please realize a couple of things:
1. The Vibe usually goes pretty long even though it's a solid. The surface is 4000 grit + polish, but the core is slightly below current average in strength. You might need ot have it re-surfaced, depending on how worn it is and when you last adjust the surface.

2. The Frantic is quite a bit stronger than the Onyx in all aspects, especially overall hook and backend. So even if you drilled it with pin over the bridge area, it might still be earlier than the Onyx. I say, "MIGHT BE". Hard to tell for sure. Remember a pin over drilling gets more length, but it usually gets lots more backend and sometimes more hook. depending on the pin-PAP distance and you release specs.

3. If you have 18 mph ball speed (pretty high speed) and the Onyx is still early, you might be bowling on a whole lot of dry. You might need a milder coverstock and a stronger backend for the amount of dry you are seeing. So I wonder is one of the current pearl Vibes (Cobalt or Grape) with a pin over drilling might not be a safer and better ball than a Frantic. These Vibe pearls get more length than the Onyx and more backend.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Gene J Kanak

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Re: frantic layout suggestions please
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2012, 02:11:16 PM »
I've owned two Onyx Vibes - a very underrated ball in my opinion - and I just picked up a Frantic, so I believe I can offer some insight here.

You say that your Onyx is too early. I'm taking that to mean that it's not getting the length you're looking for. Is that correct? Now, what surface do you have on your Onyx? The box surface was very shiny, so if you have it at box and it's still not pushing, you may have to put the pin up on the Frantic and possibly even consider adding more shine to it. I say that because, for me, the Frantic and Onyx aren't drastically different in terms of length. My Frantic definitely gives me more push and better hold than my Onyx, but it's not drastic.

Now, another factor to keep in mind is backend. For me, the Frantic is later and more angular than the Onyx Vibe, though both backend quite hard. If you go pin up, usually that's going to equal a ton of backend as well. I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for either.

Here's one additional question: do you bowl in multiple centers and/or on multiple patterns, or do you really only need 1-2 balls? I ask because the Onyx takes to surace changes as well as any ball I've ever owned. If you ever bowl on tighter patterns, I'd suggest taking the surface of the Onyx down to a matte 1000 or 2000. Doing so will give you a great option for tighter patterns, and it will create more separation between it and the Frantic.

Like Charlest said, if you were looking for more separation, a Nail (Fire/Smoke) or a Cobalt Vibe may have been better options. Nevertheless, the Frantic is an excellent ball, and so is the Onyx. I would simply suggest changing the surface on your Onyx and putting your favorite drilling on the Frantic. If the Frantic ends up being earlier than you'd like, shine it up like a marble to promote more length. You'll end up getting the reaction you want in the end.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2012, 02:14:41 PM by Gene J Kanak »


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Re: frantic layout suggestions please
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2012, 09:42:56 PM »
I would agree with what charlest and Gene have mentioned.  When you go pin down in a drilling, typically you will get an earlier read in the midlane although the back should smooth out.  Pin above typically will help with length but provide a little more angle overall in reaction shape.

Now the R2S hybrid cover is pretty strong and I know this first hand from the Hy-Road.  The Frantic uses the exact same cover.  It does take surface changes well though.

I would look at changing the surface on the Vibe potentially.  By taking it to 1000 or 2000 as mentioned, it will allow you to play some tighter patterns while still being smooth with the pin down drilling.

With the Frantic, you could use a pin up drilling and go upwards to 3000 or 4000 with polish.  If it's still early, you could use something like Snake Oil or Delayed Reaction.  That would help cut down on some flare and give more of a skid/snap piece.
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