Just bought this ball and I promise it reminds me of the Wicked from back in the day...
2 Fingers That Converted to 5 Fingers
I Am The 3 Fingers Nightmare
C300 wicked blue or wicked B/R/T??
Tag Team Coaching Success Story
AKA: addik
The Wicked was a great ball
If that's the case, I'm definitely interested......that was a great ball that I used on a ton of different conditions from your typical house shot to the Super Hoinke.
"Pretty women make us buy beer, ugly women make us drink beer"
I drilled one for a customer of mine. He had 300/803 with it a couple days ago, the lanes were a bit drier than normal in practice so he switch from the nano pearl to the frantic and he was lights out.
I see you all like this ball, but I tried a demo of the ball and had some issues. Anyone else see too much skid from the oil and too much hook from the dry? I guess hybrid covers just hate me because the Reign Supreme was the same way for me lol.
Box finish on fresh oil for folks with hand will = too much reaction off the oil from everything I have seen.
Ball excels for after lanes have transitioned and for those -- like an older geezer like me -- who can use some skid and flip help :D
The No. 1 source for bowling news, analysis and opinion is my blog, The 11th Frame, which is here:
Edited by riggs on 12/17/2011 at 6:13 AM
Even with a pin down 5.5 inch pin it was to much. A gentle rub with a fresh 2000 pad and its great. Clean through the front and doesnt bounce of the spot.
Thanks guys! Makes sense.
Aftter I purchased this ball the main problem was getting the ball down the lane...
Not really good with drilling specs but he said it was long but when it turned it really turned... The ball cares very well once you figure out a method to get the ball down the lane and it really explain why the demo displayed them on the scorpion pattern..
I tried to change the cover stock -- 4000 Sand high polish -- Bad idea... The ball had some length but the reaction coming from the dry was 2 strong.... Then he sanded the ball up to 1000 with high polish and that worked better.... This ball doesnt setup well on heavy oil or carry down....
2 Fingers That Converted to 5 Fingers
I Am The 3 Fingers Nightmare
Bowlers -- I must say after trying everything from changing the cover to polish this ball needs a long pattern 2 work .... 1 to 10 - This ball is 6
2 Fingers That Converted to 5 Fingers
I Am The 3 Fingers Nightmare
I would agree that the core on the FRANTIC is way too strong for short patterns ... unless you have very little hand. I'm only about 300-325 and 17-18 mph and I have had zero success with it on short patterns. Excels on transitioned longer patterns -- especially Sport/Challenge longer patterns.
The No. 1 source for bowling news, analysis and opinion is my blog, The 11th Frame, which is here:
I got one of these for a house that I was having trouble with the aggressive motion out of the pattern that most balls for me have there. This ball made this motion even more, to the point where I needed to play 2 arrows left of the normal 3/4th arrow shot the house has in.
Since I have med speed, and rev dominate the ball really makes a pronounced move out of the pattern.
It was just way too much ball for the THS for me, but it looks like it's going to be fantastic on some of the longer volume/lengths when there is alittle friction up front to burn it up some to take away the angularity of the ball.
This is not a drier lane bowling ball. Way to angular for that at least for me. Will try it with some surface next.
Edited by Xx 12 X 300 xX on 12/28/2011 at 9:29 AM
Finally found a house with a long pattern....
It is what you think it is... BEAST...
This ball is a condition ball more than anything - LONG PATTERN CONFIRM --
FYI - The higher the sand and polish the more the ball will move because its storing all that energy. Lower the sand the less it will move...
2 Fingers That Converted to 5 Fingers
I Am The 3 Fingers Nightmare