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Author Topic: Frantic Vs HyRoad Vs Reign supreme  (Read 5056 times)


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Frantic Vs HyRoad Vs Reign supreme
« on: November 04, 2011, 01:42:03 AM »
I've been thinking about getting a new ball for my league. I've been happy with my fired up and attitude shift. I really think a hybrid is something I might want to look into for my game. Looking at the tech specs at #15 lb:



RG 2.57

diff: .046


Reign Supreme:

RG 2.57

diff .048



RG 2.53

diff .045



Just looking at tech specs alone, these all seem extremely similar if drilled the same, unless they have a different "blend" of solid to pearl coverstock. I have read that the Reign supreme is a little longer and stronger than the Hyroad. What about the Frantic?

Edited by Djarum on 11/4/2011 at 9:43 AM



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Re: Frantic Vs HyRoad Vs Reign supreme
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2011, 07:34:26 AM »


I'm wanting to replace my Fired up. It's always been a little over/under for me, so I thought a hybrid would work better. The current lane conditions I've been bowling on dictate I need something predictable but still has some backend movement. If the break point pushes past 4 board, the outside is so dry that this often leads to the fired up through the nose. Keeping the breakpoint at 5 or 6 is strike areas, inside that will be light or leave buckets.

So, is there any tread left on the tires? Or at this point would it be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway? - Stewie Griffin


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Re: Frantic Vs HyRoad Vs Reign supreme
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2011, 09:34:32 PM »

tdub36tjt wrote on 11/5/2011 2:32 PM:I have thrown all 3 and for me the Frantic hooked the most for me. The Reign Supreme next and the HyRoad the least. I was surprised how much the Frantic actually hooks. It is a little more sideways off the end of the pattern though. I think it made up more boards in the back than the Reign Supreme and HyRoad which is why it covered more boards. 

i agree with the frantic hooking a bunch. more than i ever thought it would! By the way...excellent ball!

Big Jake

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Re: Frantic Vs HyRoad Vs Reign supreme
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2012, 11:25:01 AM »
Another question here, can these balls be used for a med-lite oil condition and in particular the Reign Supreme.
 Thanks, Jake
Now throwing pretty much all flavors...


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Re: Frantic Vs HyRoad Vs Reign supreme
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2012, 12:00:05 PM »
To round out your list I would add the Crossroad and Victory Road pearl.  Here is (IMHO) how I think they stack up being an owner of the HY-Road, CrossRoad and Victory Road Pearl.

Crossroad - Biggest core, GREAT power at the pin deck, strong controlled motion to the pins.  Least sensitive to carrydown of the bunch IMHO. it hits like a tank.

Frantic - Little longer than the Crossroad and more angular than the Crossroad but not nearly as angular as the Victory Road Pearl (note; Victory Road Pearl and Crossroad have the same core but different covers).

Victory Road Pearl - Most angular on the back end.  Allows you to open up the lanes the most but needs dry back ends to flaunt it's stuff.

HY-Road - Tried and true favorite since it's release in 2008.   If you spend time reading the threads and opinions on the Hy-Road you will find a fair number of folks say that they love it or find it to be frustrating.   I tend to agree in that I find mine to be very condition specific in that it works great for awhile but get's very "jumpy" off the spot when lanes start to transition.  I still love the ball nonetheless.

Reign Supreme - have not thrown but I believe it is the least aggressive of the 4 listed but not by much.

I think all work best on medium heavy to medium dry conditions and shine on medium conditions.

My recommendation is to spend a half hour on a Saturday afternoon with a good pro shop operator and let him watch you throw a few balls.   Your speed, revs, tilt, rotation, etc. along with your desired ball look will all need to be taken into account to get you the best match up.

my 2 cents.


Big Jake

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Re: Frantic Vs HyRoad Vs Reign supreme
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2012, 12:13:22 PM »
Thanks and a really great reply...
Now throwing pretty much all flavors...