
Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: Pinoy25 on October 12, 2011, 05:40:00 PM

Title: Frantic???? or other suggestions
Post by: Pinoy25 on October 12, 2011, 05:40:00 PM
I currently have mutant cell and mutant cell pearl. I was looking for something a  little longer with good flare or back end. I know that rotogrip stuff isnt as flippy as storm. If i invest in a frantic will it be too close to the mutant cell pearl? or should i go with like hrmmmmm ???????

Title: Re: Frantic???? or other suggestions
Post by: riggs on October 13, 2011, 07:12:03 AM
Here is my video review of the FRANTIC:


Written review is posted in reviews area of


The No. 1 source for bowling news, analysis and opinion is my blog, The 11th Frame, which is here:
Title: Re: Frantic???? or other suggestions
Post by: Goof1073 on October 13, 2011, 07:38:29 AM
Riggs...Funny you mentioned the T-Road Pearl in your video; I am also still throwing that ball and loving it!  My question for you is how the Frantic compares to the Victory Road Pearl?  For me the VRP as my step-up from the TRP...just curious of the overlap / differences between that and the Frantic.  Thanks!!

-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA
Title: Re: Frantic???? or other suggestions
Post by: Mr Straight Ball on October 13, 2011, 09:04:27 AM
The Frantic looks like it should be a good fit for what you are looking for. It is so easy to get the ball down the lane and it does not need a puddle either. In my hand, I use the ball on an old wood surface that has a ridiculous wet/dry that makes my other equipment to much after game 1 or halfway through game 2. My look goes from fighting the fronts to free push and recovery. It is drilled just like my 1st Hy-Road and does a better job of handling less oil and does not snap off of the spot as hard but carry is not sacrificed. Since some relate a good ball to score, out of the box the scores read 278 (front 9, ring 10), 258, 268, 238 & 242.
Good luck with the Frantic!!!

Bakes...Before you throw my ball, know the holes aren't beveled!!!
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