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Author Topic: Furious Review  (Read 758 times)


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Furious Review
« on: September 19, 2009, 06:51:24 AM »
I chose layout #4 for my Furious.  I was looking for a solid reactive to handle the fresh with a puddle in the middle.  My pearls had a tendancy to be too over/under and this ball solved that while providing good hitting power.  It reminded me of my T-Road solid at the wood center and provided good recovery if I missed right.  At the synthetic center, it reacted a bit soft if I missed right but I may not have that problem if I polish it.  Right now, it is in the out of box condition.  I was very pleased with the hitting power of this ball.  I have had issues with this core in the past but the Furious coverstock matches up well.  This ball could very well replace my collection of T-Road solids.

Chip Aki
Storm Staff Member



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Re: Furious Review
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2010, 04:26:28 PM »
nie insight.  being on staff maybe you can answer a question for me.  how does the furious match up with the rapid fire solid.