I agree with RevLefty that this is the strongest pearl ball that I've ever thrown. I've got it drilled with the pin slightly to the right of the ring finger, the cg kicked in a little and the MB either just underneath the thumb or underneath and to the right a little bit. For my style, this is drilled to roll long and have more of an arc back to the pocket. One of the houses I bowl at is pretty dry, especially outside 5 and this ball just tears that house to shreds. This ball has the strongest backend of any ball I've ever thrown, period. So I think you may want to go back to the pro shop and have the ball redrilled to roll a little earlier or change your axis of rotation to put a little more forward roll on the ball so it'll start to move sooner. This is especially true since I believe the layout described is a "stacked layout", which I believe is designed for bowlers with more forward roll and less side roll unless the backends are really dry.
It may not be exactly the same, but I have a Paradigm that's drilled 4x4, and I'm having similar trouble with it. I usually bowl with around 45 degrees of axis rotation of my hand and this ball would hit the oil and skid way to long and not make it back. I explained this to my pro shop operator and he asked me to try bowling with a little more forward roll because of the way the ball is drilled. It was much more consistent that way, but I'm going to change the drill to a 5 x 3 to make it a little more versatile. Anyway, I hope some of this helps.