quote:Charlest,I almost always agree with your opinions, you are a very knowledgable and level headed poster here. However if somebody came in for their first ever reactive ball, perhaps first fingertip ball, why would you do anything else?
quote:I do totally agree with the sentiment and if glenn9812 comes back and says hes had loads of balls before, I will agree with you. It is a serious problem with drillers apathy towards learning about modern equipment and the number of balls you see with 'label' layouts is frankly shocking.
quote:whoa didn't mean to make this into an argument.
quote: Also my uncle and cousin bought a ball form them and got the same drill as well.
quote:I tried the ball only once but the lanes where real dry and it hooked a ton i had trouble with my uncles columbia rival which i was averaging a 195 with. But i'll see this sunday when i go throw it again.I'll just use this as a ball to see where i go from here for the next one i guess. i wouln't lose any sleep over it was just wondering about the layout since i see it alot.Next time i'll be specific and get a better idea on what i want with you guys for a layout.