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Author Topic: Getting a NANO..  (Read 2402 times)


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Getting a NANO..
« on: March 13, 2011, 04:57:26 PM »
 Im very excited to get one...ive tried the latest and greatest other brands recently and im cutting my losses getting rid of 2 of 3 of the EBI products and trying out a nano...for some reason utah stuff seems to work best for me...but like most...i couldnt pass up opportunities to try some of the newer stuff from the competitors im not tryimg to stir the pot...cuz im quite pleased with my Mission 2.0 & Taboo didnt work out so well which is fine!  But back to my main focus..

My biggest questions are...

I know this ball is strong but im not sure if I should have it punched up strong and save it for strictly heavier sport conditions and heavy THSs on synthetics.......OR punch it up as normal with my length and flip layout and throw polish on if needed...

I bowled with a kinda local pro shop guy that had two today both drilled the same...oh my was it a sight to literally looked like a remote control ball lol.  He was deeper than anyone else at our 9 game tourney...and definitely had more speed than mostly everyone...I was impressed.  It looked well in oil...when it was leaked to the dry it seemed irratic..but he said to... in his opinion to keep the mass bias and strong as possible so it doesn't take away from the reaction...but I'm afriad with my slower ball speed (14 mph) that the ball will be too strong...

I was leaning towards my normal favorite THS type of layout but was wondering if anyone with a NANO has any insights or pro shop guy is going to use the dual angle method so should I tell him put some length and flip or drilled it up strong....I say ima going to get another one down the road!...but I'm stuck on what to do with the first one...thanks in advance guys

my arsenal..
In the bag [Infinite Physix, Volatility Torque, Night Road, Phaze III, Burner Solid, Hustle AU]
*Now Testing* IQ Ruby, Renevant, another IQ Tour solid
Coming soon...???



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Re: Getting a NANO..
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2011, 06:05:12 AM »
Do not polish this ball.  The new shell doesn't allow for it without damaging the substructure.  Chris Sand, the Storm rep for our area told my proshop guy to lean towards weaker drillings as this is still a strong ball then.  If somebody wants a little more out of it go to 2000 aby or even 1000 over the stronger drill and polishing.





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Re: Getting a NANO..
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2011, 06:45:05 AM »
 Great info...thats crazy though, they must of just wanted to get the ball on tv cuz shafer had one with polish it seemed....i thought hess may have had one polished as well wasnt nearly as shiny as shafers was.  Who knos it may have just been the lights.

Thanks for the heads up...i appreciate it.

my arsenal..
In the bag [Infinite Physix, Volatility Torque, Night Road, Phaze III, Burner Solid, Hustle AU]
*Now Testing* IQ Ruby, Renevant, another IQ Tour solid
Coming soon...???


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Re: Getting a NANO..
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2011, 01:00:17 PM »
Ball shines up just with use from lane oil.  I wipe every shot but by them most of the oil has absorbed.  Does it slow the balls hook down?  Not that I've seen yet.  Once you are fnished for the night and use a cleaner it still has shine to it.  Some guys have said this is too much ball for the pattern at Nationals which is 41' and fairly heavy.  Mine is enroute as we speak and it WILL get a look there. And it's a fun piece to throw on a house shot as it seems there is no limit to how far left you can get and bring it back and still carry....





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Re: Getting a NANO..
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2011, 03:30:24 PM »
just helped pro shop guy drill his nano

we bowl on wood lanes with gaurdian and he was bowling in normal shoes so low ball speed

and man this ball still hooks and has crazy backend

didnt roll out even getting it to the dry which really impressed me

i cant even use my prodigy for a couple shots without it leaving 5pins all day

so i wouldnt be afraid to drill it a lil stronger if youre scared about it hitting weak on the less then soup conditions

was like a 4 1/2 x 4 drilling pin = to fingers