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Author Topic: Getting a Reign, how should I drill?  (Read 1478 times)


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Getting a Reign, how should I drill?
« on: February 06, 2010, 04:11:42 PM »
I'm picking up a Reign on Tuesday and I'm debating on how I want this thing drilled.  Here is what I have now.

Cell 2k abralon Pin up 4.5"pin x 5.5"mb

Break Point 4k abralon Pin up 4"pin x 5"mb

Rapid Fire Solid Polished Pin next to ring 4"pin x-hole on my pap

Stats: 18mph off hand, 275-300 revs, 15* tilt, 45-60* rotation





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Re: Getting a Reign, how should I drill?
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2010, 01:13:47 AM »
From what I've seen from others' Reigns (I don't own one), pin under bridge/under middle have been tearing up the THS around my parts.  I would say for you, pin under bridge, OR pin over ring.  Get a between 4.5 and 5 inches pin to PAP distance, and then watch the fireworks start.  Ball has some absolutely amazing continuation through the deck, from anywhere it seems.  

Good luck with your new toy!
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Re: Getting a Reign, how should I drill?
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2010, 01:34:58 AM »
+1... i own one. n00dle knows what hes talking about.
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Re: Getting a Reign, how should I drill?
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2010, 02:46:56 PM »
I agree with nOOdle. Pin over ring or under bridge are probably both good layouts. I guess it depends on what you're looking for the ball to do on if you go pin up or down.

I got a Reign 3 weeks ago. Pin over ring, stacked. This makes it roughly 4.5 x 4. My pro shop has demo balls so I got to throw a pin under bridge one for a couple of games before I bought mine. I'm guessing the demo one was 4.5 x 4.5 for me. Neither ball has an x-hole.

Either way you go(pin up or down) the ball will get length and an incredible back end. Oil does seem to smooth out the reaction on both drillings too, making the ball less snappy down lane.

For me the pin up was longer and stronger on the back but also more sensitive to oil. It gives me that skid/snap look on the lanes. I wanted this reaction to offset the mostly control drills I have in my bag right now. This ball seems to work best on blended/tapered patterns(not the huge wall or overwalled shots) and it works well once the pattern breaks down and you want to open up the lane. It also reads the dry very quickly but I have yet to see it roll-out from hitting too much dry. Over-read yes, roll-out no. Compared to an Agent I have with the same drill, the Reign goes longer, has more backend and can handle a little more oil. I did get the Reign with the intent of replacing the Agent(500 games), which I'd say it has.

Compared to the pin over ring Reign, the pin under bridge Reign still went plenty long but did read the midlane a little sooner, had slightly less backend and did a little better in oil. This drill may have been more versatile but I have other balls for that. I'd still call the pin under reaction skid/snap or maybe skid/very very hard arc.

Stats: 17-17.5@280-300rpm, low tilt, low rotation - 45* on a very very good day, usually 30* or less. PAP is 4.5 over and 1/2 up.

Doug Sterner

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Re: Getting a Reign, how should I drill?
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2010, 02:58:13 PM »
I agree with noodle and al g here as under bridge or under ring will help eliminate a lot of the over/under that is inherent with balls that skid/flip like this one does.

Based on your current arsenal I'd suggest 5x4 pin under. Use your weighthole to keep the fingerweight and side around 1/2 oz.
Doug Sterner
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Re: Getting a Reign, how should I drill?
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2010, 12:41:53 AM »
I agree with noodle have 1 with pin below ring finger  ball is sick already shot 792 with it on fresh backends you have alot of room for error


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Re: Getting a Reign, how should I drill?
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2010, 10:17:43 AM »
My Reign is pin up.  I use it when the heads are gone.  Also to move in and open up the lane.  The ball has excellent continuation through the pins.
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Re: Getting a Reign, how should I drill?
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2010, 03:45:08 PM »
Check out  see which reaction you like better. I have pin under bridge and Britton has the pin up.
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Re: Getting a Reign, how should I drill?
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2010, 09:08:01 AM »
Thanks for all of the suggestions guys.  I went with pin up over ring, and a little right.  Pin down stuff and I usually don't agree.

This ball is a monster!  My release for the first game was a bit inconsistent, but even when I missed it at the bottom the ball still turned over hard at the breakpoint.  279 out of the gate with a smash 7 in the 10th to break up the perfect game.  Amazing ball.  I had the T-Road pearl and the Reign is much stronger.  Not sure if they tweaked the R2S Pearl cover or what, but even in the oil it's strong.