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Author Topic: Getting back into it after 12 years  (Read 3388 times)


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Getting back into it after 12 years
« on: April 16, 2012, 08:01:28 PM »
I am so behind in the times, I am getting back into bowling after 12 years off.  My last ball I purchased was a AMF Night Hawk Menace and I used it 2 weekends ago and shot 183 and 233.  The 183 would have been a 220 if I didn't miss 2 10 pins.


I recentely had my measurements adjusted and I will plug and have that ball drilled again to make sure its the proper fit. 


I only have about 13.5 to 14 mph ball speed with average rotation


Should I consider a plastic spare ball?


I am looking to purchase a Storm Victory Road Solid or a Storm Frantic before I start bowling competitively againg.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: Getting back into it after 12 years
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2012, 10:31:25 PM »
The spare ball is a personal preference. I flatten out my hand and throw whatever ball i am using as my strike ball at the moment. Although my ball speed is 18-20. WRW JR suggests a spare ball because no matter what condition is out there, it will always go straight .... The inverted fe3 core is really good in all three of those balls and they smell so good. It really just depends on your lane conditions and how you play em. Your pro shop could help you there, and really if you are going to buy something it shouldn't be hard to get them to watch you a bit. Personally i would suggest a medium-low end ball like the frantic just because you don't have much ball speed. Just my opinion though .... Good luck!


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Re: Getting back into it after 12 years
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2012, 02:36:13 PM »
I think it's all a matter of personal preference.  Personally, I will use a weaker reactive ball when shooting cross lane because I can flatten my wrist and throw enough speed (around 19-22mph) to keep it from hooking in the back. 

Since you're just getting back into the game, I would first get back into the swing of throwing cross lane and getting a good feel for that prior to deciding a spare ball may be necessary.  After a 10 year layoff that I had, I found that my speed increased to where I can even throw my Roto Grip Defiant cross lane and 9 times out of 10, it will pick up the cross lane spares easily.  In either case, a good pro shop can give you further advice.

As for the Victory Road and Frantic, both balls are very good at what they do.  Just depends on the lane condition.  I would probably see you throwing the Frantic because of the lower speed.  That ball will more than compensate for it.  Another really good option is the Roto Grip Rising Star.  It is very similar to the Frantic, but usually costs a little less and is slightly less skid/snap.  That ball like the Frantic easily covers medium and light patterns. 

Good luck and let us know how you make out.
Current Ball Arsenal
MOTIV Jackal Legacy
MOTIV Mythic Jackal

MOTIV Trident Odyssey
MOTIV Forge Fire
MOTIV Covert Revolt

MOTIV Sigma Sting
MOTIV Pride Solid

MOTIV Venom Shock
MOTIV Tribal Fire


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Re: Getting back into it after 12 years
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2012, 11:06:48 AM »
Lots of good choices out there.  Just stay away from the super aggressive stuff like Vivid, Defiant, Revenge, Nexxus P+R.  You simply don't need that stuff on house shots, and with your lower ball speed would probablys seldom find a condition where such equipment is necessary. 

I would recommend a spare ball highly.  A little bit of practice with it and you will find that it will help all of your spares except double wood spares.  A side benefit people don't usually think about is that the use of a spare ball prolongs the life of  the shell on your stike ball. 


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Re: Getting back into it after 12 years
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2012, 11:46:47 AM »
Well since I posted this a lot has happened.

I purchased a Frantic and Natural...  The Frantic wasn't hooking enought on 42' of oil so I found a Roto Grip Theory, Met with Ron Hoppe and got my ball speed up to 18.5 to 19.5

I am averaging 198 in my premier doubles league. 

Now I am starting over with 15lb stuff

Arsenal after christmas will be

Roto Grip Theory
!Q Tour Solid
Polar Ice

Thanks guys for all your reply's