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Author Topic: GLOBAL Shift  (Read 957 times)


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« on: February 13, 2008, 09:43:19 AM »
If you have one, how did you drill it, what do you like about it?

Global vs Shift
Global vs Attitude Shift
Global vs Other Shifts?

What is the roll characteristic?

IF you didn't like it, how would you drill differently or how did you adjust the surface.



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Re: GLOBAL Shift
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2008, 06:24:13 PM »
not sure but i may be the only one on here with it?? its IMO the strongest ball in the shift line i drilled it layout 2 in the pro pin book it has a 5.5-6 pin which was ridiculous but its so smooth and predictible i love it it doesnt soak up too much oil either, its nice where as my attitude is soaked it seems like after every trip down the lane the layout i used was for crankers and higher rev players so if thats not you i would stay away from this layout its an early roll with alot of back end....

Bowl up a storm

Storm Shift Gravity
Storm Shift SLT PRO CG (overseas ball)
Storm Shift Attitude
Storm Shift
Storm Shift Global PRO CG (OVERSEAS)
Storm Special Agent
Storm Tropical storm (orange and blue)
Storm EL NINO X-it
Storm Team Storm spare ball (blue and yellow)