Hello everyone. My name is Brandon Ross from Columbus,OH. Its been a very long time since I've been on the site. My old user name was BrandonR. I wanted to use the same login in but I dont have that old email address or remember what the password was so I'm starting over. I've been seriously out of the loop, so guys and gals, Get me up to speed! LOL. I'm in need of new equipment ASAP. I'm sticking with Roto-Grip and Storm products so let me know whats Hot and whats Not!
Thanks in advance!
Welcome back. I can say that the Nano is a must. Probably the most popular ball in our 28 team league. The more I use it, the better it rolls.
Those that can do. Those that can't complain. Pimpin ain't easy, but it's mandatory.
Most things we like, we don't need. Most things we need, we don't like. Don't confuse your likes with your needs.
Welcome back. IMO, you need to jump on the Victory Road bandwagon if you go Storm. There is both the Solid and Pearl and both do not disappoint. If you decide Roto, look into the Nomad Series. I think those two lines (Victory and Nomad) would be a good start and then you could go from there. If you want stronger, look at the Nano. If you want weaker, look into the Tropical Heats. Good luck and welcome back, Brandon!
Peace doesnt always have to be silent.
Some of my favorites . . . .
Solid (Heavy Oil) - Storm Nano or RG Theory (IMHO, good balls but burns up oil quickly forcing you to change your line frequently)
Hybrid (Medium-Heavy Oil) - RG Infinite Theory (snappy) or Storm HY-Road (arcy - my benchmark ball)
Pearl (Medium) - Victory Road (snappy) - awesome back end for a symmetric core
Pearl (Medium-Dry) - RG Rising Star (can be too strong if drilled strong), RG Dark Star,
Except for the Nano and Theory, I am biased to the symmetric core balls as I seem to have more control with them. . .
Honorable mentions - RG Critical Theory (just released pearl with alot of back end getting alot of attention)