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Author Topic: 3 BAll Arsenal  (Read 3120 times)


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3 BAll Arsenal
« on: March 06, 2008, 10:39:58 AM »
Im looking into get an all storm arsenal because i have a BWP and a doom and they are to strong and snappy for me. I am a slower speed about 15mph speed and a lower rev player and med axis tilt.I like playing anywhere outside 15 and with my doom and BWP i couldnt do that. Also im looking for a more smooth arc reaction so do u think this would work for what i am describing?

Heavy-Secret agent,Agent,Special agent???? not sure
light-Tropical Storm

Also what drilling would u suggest for a smooth reaction?



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Re: 3 BAll Arsenal
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2008, 08:57:17 PM »
i think i would go with a special agent for heavy attitude,rapid fire,domination or agent depending on what you want pearl or solid on meds. and jolt for light  others to think about are thunderstruck solid,shift
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Re: 3 BAll Arsenal
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2008, 08:24:44 PM »
my arsenal is awesome for a three ball ... it sets me up for everything i need


Edited on 3/12/2008 8:25 PM

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: 3 BAll Arsenal
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2008, 01:26:13 PM »
The DOOM is a pearl correct?  I hear from people who have tried both that the T-Road Pearl is stronger than a BWP and that's kind of their mid level ball.  Do you play on really dry conditions for your style?  In other words, are you having a hard time keeping the ball from overhooking in general?

It's possible that out where you would like to play there just isn't enough oil.  Maybe you have to get way in and look way out.  Out of the comfort zone yes but sometimes that's the way it is.  If you get in and swing the ball out, does it turn the corner?  You may not have the best ball reaction for your style maybe.  Are those the only two balls you have right now (pearl covers)?  Have you tried solids or pearl particles?

With slower ball speed, the Special Agent should handle any volume of oil but at the same time you will only bust it out when you are in the soup (but you will love it in those situations)...  Secret Agent is a smoother reacting Special Agent with a hybrid blend, depends on what you want.  I sold my Secret because it overlapped with my Special too much.
You mention Spit Fire, but you want a smooth arc.  I found the Spit Fire to be a bit snappy and later reaction than a similarly drilled Thunderstruck Solid.  They both handled the same oil and did the same thing essentially but I preferred the Thunderstruck's earlier hard arc reaction.  I don't know anything about the current Fire line except for the Spit Fire.  I tried it and didn't like it, but others prefer the Fire ones any day.  Another option here is the pearl Agent which should be stronger overall than a Thunderstruck but definitely a nice aggressive arc shape.  

On the light oil you mention Tropical Storm, and there have been debates over whether or not a Jolt/Jolt Pearl is more favorable to a Tropical Storm.  The Jolt has a smoother reacting cover.

In terms of drilling it is pretty individual.  If you take your current stuff into you pro shop and tell them what you are experiencing with those balls they should be able to recommend some different ideas in terms of layouts.  

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Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: 3 BAll Arsenal
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2008, 01:30:55 PM »
Do you only bowl on THS?  You may not need all these balls.  Maybe the right two ball setup and you'll always have what you have now to compliment it.
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Mighty Buffalo

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Re: 3 BAll Arsenal
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2008, 01:59:08 PM »
That is something to consider, what condition do you typically bowl on?  It kills me seeing these guys walk into a league that is playing on a THS with their 9 ball monster bags, and then switch from one high performance hook monster to another to another instead of making an adjustment with their feet or with their target, etc, and continue to do the same thing over and over again, unless I am bowling them, then I egg them on to try another ball in their bag b/c that might give them an even better look.

If you typically bowl on a house pattern, I would look into the T-Road Solid, and then maybe a Jolt.  This will get you through a majority of your league shots that you will come across, as well as a lot of the shots put out for state and local tournaments.  The only other thing that you may want would be an Ice Storm or another piece of plastic for your spares if you need it.

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Re: 3 BAll Arsenal
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2008, 12:33:31 PM »
I agree 100% with Buffalo.  I see these guys with a ton of balls sucking wind in league (I should talk, my collection is up to 4 now, with more to come).  But as long as you know your gear, know how to make your gear do different tricks, you should be able to bowl consistently on a THS, unless it's a third shift mess.  Then all I can say is good luck lol
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Re: 3 BAll Arsenal
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2008, 12:45:33 PM »
my arsenal is awesome for a three ball ... it sets me up for everything i need


Edited on 3/12/2008 8:25 PM

2 heavy-med/heavy oilers & a spare ball.  Okay, real great arsenal.  

I'd recommend in order for a 3 ball.
The Special Agent.
The spitfire, Agent or.
Then a Jolt Pearl or Storm Ice.
I've heard the Tropical is a lot stronger than advertised.  Many people have mentioned that they can't keep the ball on the ritht side of the head pin on the dry/light.  Especially since you like playing outside w/a 15mph speed.
"The last time I saw a face like that, it had a hook in it's mouth." Rodney Dangerfield

Edited on 3/14/2008 1:42 PM

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: 3 BAll Arsenal
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2008, 01:23:41 PM »
If you only play on a THS, I wonder if you need something up there like a Special Agent because especially with the lower speed I am curious.  That's why I kind of took back what I first said because I realized if you are only playing on a THS, it's probably not good to buy all these new balls when you have two already.  When you say your two pearl balls are "hooking too much" it makes me wonder if you just need to play in the oil more.  Maybe you move in and get it out and the reaction isn't good enough and maybe that's where you need a different type of ball.  

If a mid-range pearl is "overhooking" for you, something like a Special Agent may poop out because of the complete lack of oil (especially with slower speed which I also have).  I can only use the Special Agent in the soupy stuff or really long oil.

If you go T-Road Solid, you may need to shine that guy up.  It's tough to say without know what your house shot is like.  I am just trying to judge based on what you say your two current balls do because that gives some sort of perspective.  I am just going with my limited knowledge though.  I played on a shot where it was oily in the middle and insanely dry on the outside and if you didn't get in the oil there was no way.  There was also no way I could use something like a Special Agent on this shot, mid range shiny solid was perfect for me.
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Monster Pike

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Re: 3 BAll Arsenal
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2008, 01:42:08 PM »
He says he doesn't like playing inside of 15 & wants a piece w/a smooth arc reaction, not snappy.  Sounds like a Special Agent to me on heavier stuff.  Not every league night will be light oil & I find in my house, that the lanes on the right half are used more for open bowling during the day & are much dryer than the left half.  Last night we played on the dry half & could not use my Gravity Shift.  I wound up using my regular Shift the rest of the night. When lanes are med med/lt, Spitfire or Agent would fill the bill & then the Jolt on the light or lt/med.  He doesn't like the snappy or angular type reactions, that's why I didn't recommend the Shift (my personal fave.) & I guess shouldn't recommend the T-Road Pearl either because it's supposed to be more angular also.
"The last time I saw a face like that, it had a hook in it's mouth." Rodney Dangerfield

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: 3 BAll Arsenal
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2008, 02:02:45 PM »
Yeah I just worry about the Special rolling out on not enough oil and slower speed.  One thing I would do is definitely start with one ball, don't be thinking 2 or three.  Try to get a different reaction from what you have.  Honestly I like the Thunderstruck the best for a really wet dry league shot.  

I haven't tried the T-Road Solid yet but I have always wondered how a polished T-Road Solid would work compared to a Thunderstruck.  No one has really tackled this question yet.
"When in doubt, pull out." - ESPN's Rob Stone

Edited on 3/14/2008 2:03 PM

Monster Pike

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Re: 3 BAll Arsenal
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2008, 02:29:46 PM »
Yeah I just worry about the Special rolling out on not enough oil and slower speed.  One thing I would do is definitely start with one ball, don't be thinking 2 or three.  Try to get a different reaction from what you have.  Honestly I like the Thunderstruck the best for a really wet dry league shot.  

I haven't tried the T-Road Solid yet but I have always wondered how a polished T-Road Solid would work compared to a Thunderstruck.  No one has really tackled this question yet.
"When in doubt, pull out." - ESPN's Rob Stone

Edited on 3/14/2008 2:03 PM

I understand your worry, but that's what he'd have the Spitfire/Agent or Jolt/Ice for.  He already says he doesn't like the reaction his 2 Hammers give him.  They are both skid/flip type of balls & he says he "wants a smooth arc" reaction.  He doesn't get that w/what he has, nor should he.  I have a Special Agent & an Attitude Shift & there are some nights that's all I'll use.  But other nights don't even take it out of the bag or bring to the alleys. The debate isn't about what he should do w/his current arsenal.  He wants suggestions for a new 3 ball for different conditions for the line & speed he'll be playing.  As for his layout requests, can't help him there.  His driller will have to help him w/that by watching him bowl & listening to what HE, the bowler, wants.
"The last time I saw a face like that, it had a hook in it's mouth." Rodney Dangerfield

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: 3 BAll Arsenal
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2008, 02:50:19 PM »
I understand your worry, but that's what he'd have the Spitfire/Agent or Jolt/Ice for. He already says he doesn't like the reaction his 2 Hammers give him.

Yeah good point.  For arc-y reactions I like the Agent and Thunderstruck for the hard arc.  

The Jolt is smooth and that may help also.  Also check into the Planet Line by Roto Grip because they have some really cool possibilities there as well.

"When in doubt, pull out." - ESPN's Rob Stone


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Re: 3 BAll Arsenal
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2008, 06:12:23 PM »
"smooth arc reaction"
Where is the love for the SureFire. It's practically a one ball arsenal on a variety of conditons on the THS with the above reaction.

Oil: T-Road Solid
Dry: Tropical
Everything Else: SureFire
Great bang for the buck arsenal!