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Author Topic: Gravity Shift vs. Virtual Energy  (Read 1529 times)


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Gravity Shift vs. Virtual Energy
« on: April 08, 2010, 01:42:03 PM »
Is there a noticeable difference between the balls with the same drill/cover prep?  My brother has one that has the same layout as one of my energys and he doesn''t want it anymore.  I heard the energy was 2/3 pearl and they have the same core, wasn''t sure if they overlap.  Stats in profile

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Edited on 4/8/2010 9:42 PM
Philipp Hudak
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Re: Gravity Shift vs. Virtual Energy
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2010, 10:19:05 PM »
Yes, I've thrown both, and I would say at box surface the VE would be a touch stronger overall. As well, the VE is a hybrid so there are more options available in terms of surface prep than the Gravity Shift.

Despite this, when I give the Gravity Shift some surface without some polish the ball is strong and very arcy. Typically the first ball out of my bag if the lanes are a bit to dry for my Hy-Road.

It's probably a case of personal preference, but I ended up giving my VE away.


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Re: Gravity Shift vs. Virtual Energy
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2010, 01:05:14 PM »
That's good to know.  I was wondering this myself, because I love my Gravity and I am having trouble finding a decent replacement, lol.  

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Re: Gravity Shift vs. Virtual Energy
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2010, 03:16:06 PM »
Gravity Shift....I think this ball that I owned 2 years ago is seriously dead. It has gotten to the point where unless I extract oil out of the ball every month or sometimes less and surface prep the ball I can't get a good reaction out of it anymore. Part of the problem is it has turned into a down lane hook and set ball and inconsistent at that. I have tried it at 1000 dull and gone back to polishing it and neither seems to help. It is nothing even close to the same ball I had even a year ago. I don't hate the ball but far from love it. Right now in my bag I have an old El Nino and that ball flat outhooks my Gravity shift by a mile. My highly polished 5" drilled Mars which has a somewhat similar drill to my Gravity shift has more backend. The only real good reaction I can get out of my Gravity Shift is on short oil where I know the ball will hook and die at 40 feet.

So...I have a chance to get a Virtual Energy that has pretty much the same drill pattern (5" to the pin with the MB near the PAP) but in box condition and only has been used for like 20 games. The person wants 75$ for it and all I'd have to do is plug the thumb. Is that worth it? Is the VE any better then the Gravity Shift? Would if anything be a good replacement for my Gravity Shift?


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Re: Gravity Shift vs. Virtual Energy
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2010, 09:49:02 AM »
Gravity Shift....I think this ball that I owned 2 years ago is seriously dead. It has gotten to the point where unless I extract oil out of the ball every month or sometimes less and surface prep the ball I can't get a good reaction out of it anymore. Part of the problem is it has turned into a down lane hook and set ball and inconsistent at that. I have tried it at 1000 dull and gone back to polishing it and neither seems to help. It is nothing even close to the same ball I had even a year ago. I don't hate the ball but far from love it. Right now in my bag I have an old El Nino and that ball flat outhooks my Gravity shift by a mile. My highly polished 5" drilled Mars which has a somewhat similar drill to my Gravity shift has more backend. The only real good reaction I can get out of my Gravity Shift is on short oil where I know the ball will hook and die at 40 feet.

So...I have a chance to get a Virtual Energy that has pretty much the same drill pattern (5" to the pin with the MB near the PAP) but in box condition and only has been used for like 20 games. The person wants 75$ for it and all I'd have to do is plug the thumb. Is that worth it? Is the VE any better then the Gravity Shift? Would if anything be a good replacement for my Gravity Shift?

Yeah, I experienced the same thing with my Gravity Shift, I've attempted to extract the oil but it's never been the same as the first year I had it. Basically, for me when I do the extraction and surface prep at 2000 it moves just like a freeze with a bit more control down lane. It doesn't skid/snap any more, but what it does for me now is to good to replace.

If you want a ball that lasts, and still hooks the same today as it did when you first got it I would go with the VE. I still love my Gravity though, but I just haven't been able to recreate it's initial ball reaction.