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Author Topic: Great Benchmark Ball??  (Read 8272 times)


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Great Benchmark Ball??
« on: January 03, 2014, 11:31:35 AM »
Tired of driving home always thinking I should have started with a different ball. How is this theory seem to you guys??    Always start with IQ Tour Pearl. If that is hooking too much ball down to the Hyroad Pearl . If Hyroad pearl hooks too much ball down again to my Tropical Heat Hybrid.  If IQ Tour pearl doesn't hook enough jump up to my Disturbed. Also have a Nano pearl  Oath and Ulti-Max rolling around in basement. Tired off 2nd guessing myself after bowling.  My problem is when all 3 strike in practice I don't know which one to start with.  Hopefully this new idea will work.



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Re: Great Benchmark Ball??
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2014, 11:47:51 AM »
I consider what ever ball I feel the most comfortable with and gives me the reaction I have the most confidence in as my benchmark.....Right now it is my Disturbed at 500/1000/2000/3000 surface
Daredevil Trick
IQ Tour Solid
Lights Out
Hustle Ink
Viral Hybrid


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Re: Great Benchmark Ball??
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2014, 11:58:11 AM »
Thanks for the info.  I love my Disturbed but there is never enough oil in any of the leagues I bowl in, to use it.  Mine is drilled pin above ring finger with oob finish. I really want to shine mine up like you did. If I shine it to 3000 do you still think my 4 ball rotation will still work??  I hate when 2 balls react exacty the same.  Too me that is a waste of money. From most to least hook would be

                                     Disturbed 3000

                                     IQ TOUR PEARL

                                      HYROAD PEARL

                                      Tropical Heat Hybrid

    All balls drilled very close with pin above ring finger.

storm making it rain

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Re: Great Benchmark Ball??
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2014, 12:37:17 PM »
Benchmark balls should be even rolling pieces that you can settle in your comfort zone with.  Let's assume you like to play around 2nd arrow, you throw a few shots with your benchmark ball and it comes in light, you would ball up to something like a disturbed.  If the shots go thru the face you would ball down to something like the Hyroad Pearl.  In your current arsenal I would say the IQ pearl would be the benchmark, although for me that ball was too "flippy" on the back to fit the benchmark category.  Depending on the drillings you have on you other stuff and IQ Tour solid would be better.  My arsenal goes like this:

Meanstreak Beatdown (benchmark)
Melee (2000 surface)
Melee (oob shiny)
Strike King


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Re: Great Benchmark Ball??
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2014, 02:13:17 PM »
Makes a lot of sense to me. I got talked into the Disturbed but wish I would have got the IQ Solid instead. I will start will IQ Tour pearl and go from there. Too much go down to Hyroad pearl and than Tropical heat Hybrid if they are really hooking.If IQ Tour Pearl is not enough hook I will go up to Disturbed. I should have stayed with Storm products. I know Roto grip is made by Storm but it is too easy to overlap when you switch brands. Going to shine surface on Disturbed to 3000 and see if that makes it more playable. If that don't work IQ Solid here I come. Disturbed will go in river. lol


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Re: Great Benchmark Ball??
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2014, 03:46:31 PM »
We spoke before. Did you change surface on Disturbed? At 3000 or 4000 it still won't overlap. It's a totally different motion. It's a GREAT ball.
Daredevil Trick
IQ Tour Solid
Lights Out
Hustle Ink
Viral Hybrid


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Re: Great Benchmark Ball??
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2014, 05:26:10 PM »
Used it oob last night. Lasted maybe 7 frames. Had to be perfect in regards to speed and hitting target or it was useless. If I slighty missed in, it was through the nose. If I missed a little to the right ball would not recover. Tried to really throw hard for last few frames with limited success. Switched to my Hyroad Pearl and lanes became easy. I see bowlers who use different equipment miss way in or way out and have no problem hitting the hole.Going to my pro shop Wednesday and have them take it to 3000. Probably should have bought IQ Tour Solid to match up with my other balls. If 3000 doesn't work ball will be going in river lol


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Re: Great Benchmark Ball??
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2014, 05:54:47 PM »
The IQ tour solid isn't going to be much different over all from the Disturbed. If the Hyroad pearl is enough ball then use it. Sounds like not a lot of oil at all. Make sure they take disturbed up going through all steps. 500/1000/2000/3000/4000
If hyp is enough to start I'd go all the way up to 4000. Don't let them skip grits
Daredevil Trick
IQ Tour Solid
Lights Out
Hustle Ink
Viral Hybrid


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Re: Great Benchmark Ball??
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2014, 07:20:55 PM »
Thank you. Benchmark for me will be IQ Tour Pearl. Ball down to Hyroad Pearl or ball up to Disturbed at 3000 or 4000. Sick of guessing what ball to start with. Still bring "old reliable" Tropical Heat Hybrid just in case lanes are scorched. Will let you know how this works out.Thanks


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Re: Great Benchmark Ball??
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2014, 11:04:48 PM »
Used it oob last night. Lasted maybe 7 frames. Had to be perfect in regards to speed and hitting target or it was useless. If I slighty missed in, it was through the nose. If I missed a little to the right ball would not recover. Tried to really throw hard for last few frames with limited success. Switched to my Hyroad Pearl and lanes became easy. I see bowlers who use different equipment miss way in or way out and have no problem hitting the hole.Going to my pro shop Wednesday and have them take it to 3000. Probably should have bought IQ Tour Solid to match up with my other balls. If 3000 doesn't work ball will be going in river lol

Sell it to me beffore you trash it !!
Tattooer from baltimore
Throwing brunswick


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Re: Great Benchmark Ball??
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2014, 09:03:23 AM »
Thanks!!  I got it polished to 4000 and practiced with it Tuesday. Much better look for me.  Still not as much room as my IQ Tour Pearl but more than when it was dull. If I decide to sell I will let you know.


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Re: Great Benchmark Ball??
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2014, 11:06:32 AM »
Thanks. U mean sanded to 4000 than added polish? Or just sanded to 4000g....?
Tattooer from baltimore
Throwing brunswick


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Re: Great Benchmark Ball??
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2014, 12:18:28 PM »
Sorry I meant sanded to 4000 than added polish.  It acts like a completely different ball for me. Gives me some room compared to the way it was at 2000 OOB. Should still work on oil if I ever see any.


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Re: Great Benchmark Ball??
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2014, 09:24:48 AM »
Some houses almost don't welcome solids.

Some houses do not welcome pearls.

Sounds like your house is not solid friendly except for ones with modest flare.
Your IQ tour solid.


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Great Benchmark Ball??
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2014, 10:11:22 AM »
Lane Master Extreme Damage Platinum excellent choice, Lord Field Heritage , Longer patterns go to the Lane Masters Advantage!  All of the new L/M or L/F equipment is an excellent choice for power and control. You can play all day with very little  movement as the patterns break down