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hate my virtual gravity
« on: July 21, 2009, 10:50:18 PM »
It's not all the ball's fault, either.

Just does not match up well with my skill set. It is SOoooo sensitive to the slightest changes in hand position or speed, that if I even BREATHE wrong, it affects my shot.  Yeah... bowler error... I understand that. But don;t have this issue with any other ball in my arsenal.

Old balls, newer balls, strong, weak, skid flip, arcing.... Doesn't matter. Only the virtual is so sensitive that it is driving me nutz.  True... if I had a more consistent release, then this would not be quite the problem. But usually a new ball will highlight your strengths and mask some of you weaknesses ---at least for awhile.  This one? Two drills and many many games later... we just don;t get along.

But no one will ever want it or be willing to pay me even 1/2 of what I spent on it (plus the 2nd drilling), so I am still trying to MAKE it work for me. It has cost me countless sums of money in pot games and blown league games. Giving it away or just putting it down will probably be a wise financial move.  But I just can;t give up ----YET !!!!


(Leaving for work and won;t be able to reply for long time. Just venting, but interested in any and all comments----even those that tell me I screwed up.)



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Re: hate my virtual gravity
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2009, 07:02:45 AM »
(I'll be the first jack-off to pipe in with the usual and expected response.)

If the ball doesn't work for you, don't waste your time with it.  I'll do you the favor of paying you $5 for it plus shipping so you won't be tempted throw it anymore.
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Re: hate my virtual gravity
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2009, 07:10:34 AM »
did you try changing the surface on it .try it at diff levels ,one 500 or 600 grit, or polish it, it has helped me when i dont get the reaction im looking for.


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Re: hate my virtual gravity
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2009, 07:26:09 AM »
Hi.  I really am on the way out the door (to work now), but couldnt resist one reply before I go.

Yes.  I have tried polishing it, going down to 800 or 600 grit, removing all the polish, and recently putting it back on.  Original drilling was to go long and emphasize skid-flip or maximum backend. Then plugged and redrilled (after experiencing much over/under) for an earlier roll and more of an arcing move.

But the reason I had to reply, is I am not criticizing the ball's reaction. I dont hate EVERYTHING about it. For instance, it is very versatile in that I can use it on heavy oil as well as dried up lanes. It is very adjustable by hand position. That's the good AND the bad, though. It's adjustable by making minor changes in delivery (hand position, speed, height, amount of loft, etc.) on purpose.  But it ALSO reacts to any unconcious or unintentional variation in my delivery. It does what I tell it to do, instead of what I INTENDED it to do.  

Not a good match for someone who is a decent bowler, but admittedly not textbook style, and not able to duplicate each shot as a carbon copy of the last ---even when I am on fire and stringing several strikes together. This ball takes my inconsistencies and magnifies them.

It's giving me a TRUE reflection of what I am doing ...right or wrong... and I HATE it for that !!!!

It's probably a great ball to warm up with, and then I should bag it and use something else.  ANYTHING else.  But that's like demoting your million dollar free agent to bench coach ---or something like that.


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Re: hate my virtual gravity
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2009, 10:26:48 AM »
Don't sweat it, your not the only one. I too hated mine.  Didn't match up well with it either.  Gave it to my dad.

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Re: hate my virtual gravity
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2009, 10:49:30 AM »
I am strongly considering purchasing a Virtual Gravity for this upcoming Fall and I must say that I am somewhat worried now after reading Neptune and Bear posting how the VG is very sensitive to slight changes (hence not very forgiving for less than textbook bowlers).


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Re: hate my virtual gravity
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2009, 12:28:47 PM »
ok i had to chime in here. i got mine about a month ago with the intent of having a strong piece in the bag for heavier tournament shots. i went with layout #2 on the drill sheet. out of the box surface and this drilling was a nightmare for me on a house shot. it was too dang strong for me, considering i have a high rev rate combined with alot of nautral axis rotation. high end balls are condition specific for me anyways, i rarely see enough oil to use them for 3 games in league lol. going further my guess is you probably arent seeing enough oil for the ball to truly react like it was meant to. what you described earlier about your reaction is exactly what i get when i use the wrong piece on conditions it wasnt designed for. there in lies the problem, you bought a $220 dollar high end ball when in actuality you needed the 150 buck mid line piece. again thats a stab in the dark because i havent seen u roll a ball. i would keep it around though. i have a hot rod ss pearl that i absolutely hate on a ths and almost got rid of it, untill i met kegels highway to hell pattern, now i love it lol. try it on different shots before you give up on it.
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Re: hate my virtual gravity
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2009, 12:36:30 PM »
as a side note about the virtual, it is not a forgiving ball at all on a ths. i have no repeat no tug area with it. if i miss it better be right. again alot of it is drilling because i drilled it for heavier volume tournament shots, and that what i got with this ball. on kegels highway to hell pattern i watched several bowlers leaving buckets and barely catching half-pocket with other brands of balls, and i literally had 3-4 boards either way. several years ago i had a similar experience with the super power. i bought one and could not get it to move lol, and i am in the 480-500 rev range. my fatherinlaw gets two revs and a cloud of dust and he could hook the whole lane with it lol. some peoplw just dont match up with certain balls.
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Re: hate my virtual gravity
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2009, 01:39:15 PM »
stopncrank nailed it with both posts.  

Jesse James

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Re: hate my virtual gravity
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2009, 04:59:15 PM »! This is intriguing. I am a low rev, low speed player. I do, however play close attention to ball reactions.

I don't own a VG. My teammate does. He has his dulled to about 800 sheen. our spans are the same, so I can throw his. He tries to throw his on pretty much every type of condition. THIS BALL LOVES OIL! It does not work on every type of condtion.

When I see it get real angular, to me....that means 10 pin city, and time to put it up!

I can actually throw his VG better than he can because I can change releases. I love the hit that this ball gives. And when you throw it on it's intended condition, it is a beast!

But it is much better on med-hvy and heavy oil! Just my .02
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Re: hate my virtual gravity
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2009, 05:16:49 PM »
I don't own a VG either.

Sounds like this ball would be a good training aid for you, kinda like bowling on a sport pattern, it would give you instant feedback on your game.  Just use it in practice to try to build a more consistent game - release, speed, whatever.  Maybe it can pay for itself that way if it doesn't perform better for you on heavier oil like stopncrank suggested.


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Re: hate my virtual gravity
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2009, 05:48:06 PM »
The long and short of it is that you should work on your game and stop complaining about the ball.

You should be able to get any ball to the pocket. Whether it carries or not is a different question. The VG needs oil, up front and in the mids, to show its full potential. Drilling, surface, hand position, ball speed, all play a part in what happens at the end of the pin deck. If you are not getting to the pocket, or carrying with the ball, it is your fault. Not the balls.

Use the VG on its intended conditions, get it to the pocket, and you will see better than average results.

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Re: hate my virtual gravity
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2009, 06:01:32 PM »
sometimes you just dont match up to a ball... Whether it be core or core/cover
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Re: hate my virtual gravity
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2009, 06:28:35 PM »
I have a VG that I drilled week because of how strong everyone was saying it was.  It is drilled with the pin in my middle finger.  I won't say I hate it, but I don't love it like the HyRoad I have that is drilled stronger (pin below and a hair right of ring finger).  I'm a speed dominant bowler and I guess I just need to have a stronger drilling.  The VG doesn't seem to recover for me if I miss right and don't get a handful.  I know that is the bowlers fault, but the HyRoad allows me to get away with a similar shot.  I'm still experimenting with surfaces on the VG, so maybe I'll find the right combination one of these days.

Sidenote, the VG is the first ball I ever drilled with this layout so it is very possible the layout is just not good for me.
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Re: hate my virtual gravity
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2009, 10:57:49 PM »
"Mogators" brought up another point I forgot to mention.

I too am a speed dominant (or rev challenged) player, and no one will EVER accuse me of being a cranker. But with much of the rest of my arsenal, it isn't quite so obvious.  When using the VG, I constantly get kidded about how the ball might have turned over once or twice before reaching the pins.

Don't get me wrong... Not only do I not mind being teased about the lack of revs, I  actually enjoy the attention and laughter that goes with it.  But the problem is... I am throwing the VG with the same speed and release as my other 20 or so balls, and the VG elicits the greatest number of those comments.

Maybe it's cause everyone else who throws this ball, DOES get it to rev up.   But this ball was supposed to help the rev challenged bowler add some (revs). It wasn't supposed to make it even tougher for them to put some revs on it.