Hi. I really am on the way out the door (to work now), but couldnt resist one reply before I go.
Yes. I have tried polishing it, going down to 800 or 600 grit, removing all the polish, and recently putting it back on. Original drilling was to go long and emphasize skid-flip or maximum backend. Then plugged and redrilled (after experiencing much over/under) for an earlier roll and more of an arcing move.
But the reason I had to reply, is I am not criticizing the ball's reaction. I dont hate EVERYTHING about it. For instance, it is very versatile in that I can use it on heavy oil as well as dried up lanes. It is very adjustable by hand position. That's the good AND the bad, though. It's adjustable by making minor changes in delivery (hand position, speed, height, amount of loft, etc.) on purpose. But it ALSO reacts to any unconcious or unintentional variation in my delivery. It does what I tell it to do, instead of what I INTENDED it to do.

Not a good match for someone who is a decent bowler, but admittedly not textbook style, and not able to duplicate each shot as a carbon copy of the last ---even when I am on fire and stringing several strikes together. This ball takes my inconsistencies and magnifies them.
It's giving me a TRUE reflection of what I am doing ...right or wrong... and I HATE it for that !!!!
It's probably a great ball to warm up with, and then I should bag it and use something else. ANYTHING else. But that's like demoting your million dollar free agent to bench coach ---or something like that.