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Author Topic: hate my virtual gravity  (Read 3248 times)


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hate my virtual gravity
« on: July 21, 2009, 10:50:18 PM »
It's not all the ball's fault, either.

Just does not match up well with my skill set. It is SOoooo sensitive to the slightest changes in hand position or speed, that if I even BREATHE wrong, it affects my shot.  Yeah... bowler error... I understand that. But don;t have this issue with any other ball in my arsenal.

Old balls, newer balls, strong, weak, skid flip, arcing.... Doesn't matter. Only the virtual is so sensitive that it is driving me nutz.  True... if I had a more consistent release, then this would not be quite the problem. But usually a new ball will highlight your strengths and mask some of you weaknesses ---at least for awhile.  This one? Two drills and many many games later... we just don;t get along.

But no one will ever want it or be willing to pay me even 1/2 of what I spent on it (plus the 2nd drilling), so I am still trying to MAKE it work for me. It has cost me countless sums of money in pot games and blown league games. Giving it away or just putting it down will probably be a wise financial move.  But I just can;t give up ----YET !!!!


(Leaving for work and won;t be able to reply for long time. Just venting, but interested in any and all comments----even those that tell me I screwed up.)



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Re: hate my virtual gravity
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2009, 07:03:17 AM »
I bought the VG late last season.  I wanted it for tournaments.  I drilled it 4x4 with a 1-1/2" pin buffer.  After drilling I work my BUTT off trying to figure it out.  On our THS and wood lanes the thing puked.  No matter how deep I got it in the oil it just didn't have it.  I then went to a few tournaments where it sat in the bag because I was more confident in my other stuff.  One tourny I was no where's near cut or the pocket for that matter.  I decided that, hey it can't make me look worse.  So I decide to pull out the VG in the middle of the second game.  After a few feel out shots, I rattle off the next 4.  Then close out the 3rd game with a 279.  The combination of synthetics and a flatter pattern allowed this ball to shine like I wanted it to.  I know that an oiler like this isn't meant for a THS but I also didn't expect this thing to be that strong OOB.  It's a great piece, just condition specific.  Like the ones it was made for!!
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Re: hate my virtual gravity
« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2009, 07:45:13 PM »
Just tried my VG again today after hitting it with a worn 1000 pad.  I was about to put a hole in it, but figured I would wait to see how it works once league starts.  It worked great today with this surface so I will definitely hold off on any other changes until I can see what kind of shot we get at our new house this year.
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Re: hate my virtual gravity
« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2009, 12:19:06 AM »
I'm kinda with neptune on this one as well.. but even more so with balls with asymmetric cores (balls with medium to strong mass bias's. I have a VG as well.. 6" in pin with MB just right of the thumb and it has an unique / interesting roll to it I would definitely agree that's it's very release sensitive.  Asymmetric cores generally will give you more angle off the spot which gives the illusion of more hook (total boards crossed).  In my opinion because they hook more in short distance they also can be more sensitive to release and downlane pattern changes.  Ball like the VG can be very sensitives to the fronts too ie if it doesn't clear the front cleanly you'll see it react very week off the spot, ie 2-8-10 / wash out.  I haven't much luck with assymmetrics in general (finding them very conditional) but I'm going keep experimenting with more layouts until I find a ball progression/reaction that makes sense to me.  The tournament I bowled this past weekend the inside angles were the right angles to play and I think I could have benefited from something assymetrical (like a virtual energy). I think I could have used something like that on the back half of the block to help me generate a little more angle off the spot something my symmetrical cores balls just weren't giving me, too smooth, too many 10's and 4's, and swish 7's.  On most house shots I would stick with symmetrical balls most of the time, especially if your rev rate is 320 or higher.  Balls like the VG can be hard to control for a lot of players when you have that much friction downlane the right for a lot of players (wet dry house shots).  


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Re: hate my virtual gravity
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2009, 04:18:32 PM »
For THS, try polish.

I really don't think that the VG OOB shines, or was intended for use for most bowlers on a THS.

I have taken my VG to 2000 and polished it and it is as good as any on our house shot. At 4000 (OOB), it is useless-- 7, 8, 10s all night.


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Re: hate my virtual gravity
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2009, 05:04:32 PM »
Since you have already tried several surface changes, and also redrilled this ball...before you totally chuck it, I'd try one more thing.


In other words, simplify your release. Stick to one release and one release only for this ball, and then make all your lane adjustments based off that one release that you use.
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Re: hate my virtual gravity
« Reply #21 on: August 18, 2009, 11:22:56 PM »
I have to agree with stopncrank - this is a heavy oil ball - if there is not enough oil, put it away - join a PBA Experience league next year and use it then. A much better tournament ball than a THS ball. Mine is in the closet most of the time - I rarely see the conditions it was designed for and I really can't throw it hard enough to make the speed adjustment that might work