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Author Topic: Heat Black and Silver Cover mods.  (Read 1294 times)


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Heat Black and Silver Cover mods.
« on: June 04, 2010, 01:00:28 AM »

This is the first storm ball I really bought and boy has it worked very well.

I was throwing a Hy-Road a friend dis-owend and liked the readability and reaction on different conditions. But I was getting ready for state and the lanes get pretty fried. So I got the Heat B/S and drill it with nothing fancy just a label drilling. I was impressed at how easy it made the shot and the Hy-Road just went on a road trip and never made it out of the bag.

So I was wondering if the Heat B/S would take well to surface changes as the Hy-Road does and if any one has tried to alter the cover. I was also thinking of purchasing another Heat B/S and maybe put a different drill on it?

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Re: Heat Black and Silver Cover mods.
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2010, 09:54:30 AM »

Just like the Hyroad, Black/Silver is a very versatile piece and takes surface changes well.

Heres a video:

The second tester in my video shanges the surface on his B/S Heat.

Hope that helps!


This is the first storm ball I really bought and boy has it worked very well.

I was throwing a Hy-Road a friend dis-owend and liked the readability and reaction on different conditions. But I was getting ready for state and the lanes get pretty fried. So I got the Heat B/S and drill it with nothing fancy just a label drilling. I was impressed at how easy it made the shot and the Hy-Road just went on a road trip and never made it out of the bag.

So I was wondering if the Heat B/S would take well to surface changes as the Hy-Road does and if any one has tried to alter the cover. I was also thinking of purchasing another Heat B/S and maybe put a different drill on it?

X pin

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Multi Media Consultant
Storm Products, Inc.

Edited on 6/4/2010 9:54 AM


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Re: Heat Black and Silver Cover mods.
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2010, 11:43:05 AM »

Thanks, yes I had seen your video and thats why I was contemplating in getting another one maybe two.  This ball is amazing at how easy this ball makes it seem.  

Do you have any suggestions in drilling I was thinking of a dual angle drill for the next B/S heat what do you think?



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Re: Heat Black and Silver Cover mods.
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2010, 07:11:38 PM »

As i tell everyone, Its extremely difficult to recommend a layout without actually seeing you bowl, but i can make two general suggestions for you.  You said your first layout was a label drill so im assuming that puts your pin about 4" from your PAP listed in your profile.  To create a different reaction i would go maybe 5" or 5.5" from your axis to increase length before the ball makes it move.  A better option may be to pick up a tropical heat pearl and go with a similar layout to your Hybrid.  I know both myself and TJ were surprised at the difference between these two balls with the same layout.  We thought they would overlap more but they really do compliment each other well.

Hope that helps!
Owner/Operator of
Multi Media Consultant
Storm Products, Inc.