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Author Topic: Hell Raiser Revenge, Vivid or Defiant?  (Read 3887 times)


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Hell Raiser Revenge, Vivid or Defiant?
« on: April 23, 2012, 10:59:37 PM »
Looking to purchase a new heavy oil solid ball. Just curious as to which one you guys would go with, if any of you have thrown two of them or all of them. Not to mention which one seems to hold up the longest with normal cleaning. Any info on these would be great guys, thanks.

Edited by hckyenginr on 4/23/2012 at 9:00 PM


Big Jake

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Re: Hell Raiser Revenge, Vivid or Defiant?
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2012, 07:17:30 PM »
Any of those 3 will be fine...btw, are you a stroker, cranker, or tweener?

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Re: Hell Raiser Revenge, Vivid or Defiant?
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2012, 11:53:09 PM »
Okay cool, thanks..and I'm a tweener, medium ball speed.

Zack Pelton300

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Re: Hell Raiser Revenge, Vivid or Defiant?
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2012, 01:54:42 AM »
Vivid, or defiant. Just don't drill it to strong or it could turn into one of those situational balls that you have to play down and in only when there is a ton of oil up front, and get into trouble when you move in.
The revenge just goes to long and is not really all that strong

Zack Pelton

Edited by Zack Pelton300 on 4/25/2012 at 11:55 PM


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Re: Hell Raiser Revenge, Vivid or Defiant?
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2012, 12:30:37 PM »
All 3 are good heavier oil balls but their ball motion is different.  Vivid is probably the strongest at box finish.  HRR behaves like a bit like a pearl ball with early midlane read IMO.  Defiant is right in between the other two.

You say you are a medium speed tweener.  With that as a starting point I'd probably recommend the Defiant.  It will give you nice length and backend for a solid while providing traction through the transition from oil to dry.


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Re: Hell Raiser Revenge, Vivid or Defiant?
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2012, 08:41:12 PM »
I'd go with the Defiant.  The Vivid is going to go a little longer and be a little more angular downlane.  The HRR is going to act like a pearl, giving you max length but max angle.  The Defiant gives a nice combination of length and has a very predictable arc motion that's easy to judge. 

The other thing I like with the Defiant is that it works well for all styles.  It's one of the top heavy oil balls out right now in my opinion and definitely worth serious consideration.  I even prefer it to the VG Nano which I ended up selling a little while back.
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lifted rillo

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Re: Hell Raiser Revenge, Vivid or Defiant?
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2012, 08:57:01 PM »
It all depends on what kind of motion you want. If you want angular, go with the Revenge. Strong arc, Defiant. And a big smooth crescent moon shape, the Vivid. I threw a friend's Defiant and it was very nice for me. I have a Track 916AT that gives me the same type of motion but on less oil. Loved the reaction but I don't see enough oil to warrant having one of my own.


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Re: Hell Raiser Revenge, Vivid or Defiant?
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2012, 10:24:34 AM »
I was going through exactly the same process with those 3 balls. First choice was Defiant, but I scratched it because multiple people told me it was great out of the box, but shell died quickly, which is what happened to my Theory.  I love the Vivid core, but think it will be a better matchup when they put a pearl or hybrid shell on it.  Couldn't get a Revenge with the pin distance I wanted.  Finally noticed that the Nexus p+r had almost exactly the same specs and rating as Defiant.  Drilled it, and am very happy with it.   


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Re: Hell Raiser Revenge, Vivid or Defiant?
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2012, 11:07:00 AM »
I have the Defiant and have had experience with the HRR...I have been having great success with the Definat its finishes strong. the HRR was good but went to marshmellow relatively quickly,that is a teammates ball, we have the same span so we do switch up gear from time to time. I know I take care of my equiptment cleaning and surface upkeep regularly...he does not so that might hame something to do with it.... I personally have to say this has been the best ball I have owned in the last 2 seasons I've even bought a 2nd for future...I usually throw mainly Hammer and have had good luck with the Taboo's and Epidemic but , this ball has them both beat....