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Author Topic: Help building my Arsenal.  (Read 1470 times)


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Help building my Arsenal.
« on: November 01, 2014, 09:43:12 PM »
Ive been having trouble of late with my game as the lanes dry out and get beaten up. Ive never been great on dry lanes as i lack the revs to be able to get the ball to turn the corner as I move left.

Over the last few years i've switched to Storm from hammer/Brunswick because the balls suit my game more, currently I have the Optimus, the IQ Fusion and the IQ Pearl.

Depending on the conditions the Optimus or the Fusion are first out of the bag, the Fusion reads a lot quicker in the mids and gives me more control generally but the optimus is what i would regard as my strongest ball. The IQ Pearl is drilled weaker and so what i go to later in blocks.

Over the last few months however I've been playing longer sets and struggling when the lanes get really beat up. Ive been looking at the Uproar and Outcry and also the Scream '14  but I'm worried about going too weak and transversely going too strong and not having that clear difference between my other balls.

I would love to hear the much learned thoughts of you all. Ideally i'd like to stay with Storm/Roto and ideally Pearl/Hybrid as they seem to suit my game better than solids.

I know its decidedly vague, but suggestions or ideas would be great.

Thanks in advance.



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Re: Help building my Arsenal.
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2014, 09:56:45 PM »
I really like the Lights Out a lot. Not too weak. But not too strong. Great core and cover combo. I think would be cleaner than the Fusion and IQTP. Not as strong as outcry.  Smoother than uproar and stronger than scream
Daredevil Trick
IQ Tour Solid
Lights Out
Hustle Ink
Viral Hybrid


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Re: Help building my Arsenal.
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2014, 09:44:34 AM »
i  have both the lights out and punch out.  lights out long some mid lane read from the hybrid cover, then nice smooth arc.  punch out I'm calling my nascar ball.  it goes very long and straight then turns left.  it all depends on the reaction you want.


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Re: Help building my Arsenal.
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2014, 01:35:11 PM »
I love my pin down lights out. Very controlled smooth motion. My house is on the lighter side of med oil I can usually stay with the l.o. All nite. My league bag is the l.o. Uproar also pin down that goes longer than l.o. And weaker I can play more straight up than with the l.o. And a pin up outcry is stronger and longer than l.o. Have not been able to use outcry much but it lets me move inside more than l.o. And it will make the turn. I love all three and they work well together for me. Pin up pearls don't work well with my game. I had a scream end it was very long to long for me and I got rid of it. Now I'm wanting another pin down or with some surface as the days I pravtice the shot is torched and I cannot hold a shot with the stuff I have so I don't practice as much as I would like. Found a Rico breeze I'm considering trying for bured up shot.