Hey everyone,
I got a used El Nino Wrath along with a Super Power and Trauma Response in a 3 for 1 deal a while back. The Super Power didn't match up with me, and the Response hit like a wet sock. Yet, the Wrath has remained in my bag and it continues to shock me with what it can do. Here are the specs:
drilled pin under middle finger (rh), cg kicked left, mb left of thumb
this drilling basicall looks like a lefty stack, just starting under the fingers
Small weight hole in Wrath logo on left side of ball, box finish
I had this ball drilled this way to be my go-to ball on drier conditions. When I used it the first couple of times, the ball got very good length and made a strong move on the backend, stronger than I had expected. Yesterday I was messing around on a fresh shot with clean backends, and I found that this ball, when cranked up, is an absolute monster. The ball clears the heads very easily and then makes a huge move on the back. The carry is awesome to boot! I read a bunch of reviews on the Wrath, and there did not seem to be that many people who liked it. Why am I getting this reaction from this ball, especially with a drilling that I thought was extremely weak for a right hander? This thing was actually recovering better than my Pearl Cherry Bomb. I may have to rethink my use for this ball, as it is proving much more versatile than I intended.
Bowling is without a doubt the dumbest, most pointless, most idiotic excuse for a game that has ever been invented. So, what time are we bowling tomorrow?