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Author Topic: Help finishing bag  (Read 4654 times)


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Help finishing bag
« on: February 13, 2016, 11:23:38 AM »
Hey guys I'm getting three new balls at income tax time getting a lock and a ride. I also have a hyper cell skid haywire and punch out. So I'm getting the lock to be above my skid and haywire ( haven't had a lot of succes with haywire doesn't seem to match up for me ) but hoping the lock will help me when skid isn't getting there for me down lane. Getting the ride for when lanes are fried or when I need to square up to lanes. Now the third ball I'm stuck on what I want to get I need something that's between the punch out and skid. My punch out is a lot strong then I thought it be and is a clean step down from skid but sometimes is to snappy off spot when I need to throw it. Punch out is drilled pin up above the bridge and chug kicked, skid is pin up above ring and cg kicked my lock when I get it will be stacked and ride I'm still in the air on how to drill it will go over that with my pro shop guy when they come in.

I'm left handed I throw between 15 to 17 mph depending on how tired I am after work and have med amount of revs. Any suggestions helping filling that spot will be much appreciated thank you in advice
In bag now, no rules , code black, code red , timeless , and fight and of course spare ball lol
In locker, ride and punch out



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Re: Help finishing bag
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2016, 11:41:08 AM »
My guess is storms thunder line, or maybe an iq solid or maybe devour


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Re: Help finishing bag
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2016, 11:42:12 AM »
So essentially you're looking for a ball that's a step down from the Skid but smoother than your Punch Out.

A lot of people are saying the Phaze rolls great on medium oil and is pretty smooth.

Do you have an idea of why you don't really like the Haywire? My suggestion would be the HyWire coming out but going with a layout to keep it smoother and possibly changing the surface on it


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Re: Help finishing bag
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2016, 11:46:02 AM »
The haywire is very good when I can throw it but back ends need to be really fresh to get the motion down lane other wise it's just over under really bad. My pro shop guy suggested a phaze but wasn't sure if it be to strong but that could work do you think drilling it pin down would help smooth it out between the two with the others being pin up?
In bag now, no rules , code black, code red , timeless , and fight and of course spare ball lol
In locker, ride and punch out


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Re: Help finishing bag
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2016, 11:52:18 AM »
Balls I've been thinking bout have been hyroad, rocket, the phaze which is what I'm leaning towards so far , or something out of the box like a pin down fight but think that be to strong for sure but I loved the reign of fire and really interested in that ball
In bag now, no rules , code black, code red , timeless , and fight and of course spare ball lol
In locker, ride and punch out


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Re: Help finishing bag
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2016, 11:55:17 AM »
Balls I've been thinking bout have been hyroad, rocket, the phaze which is what I'm leaning towards so far , or something out of the box like a pin down fight but think that be to strong for sure but I loved the reign of fire and really interested in that ball

I have a Fight with the pin drilled out in my ring finger. Its definitely not too strong of a ball. For me the Fight is a step up from my Ride and a step down from my stronger stuff. Its actually a pretty easy transition from ball to ball for me with the Fight


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Re: Help finishing bag
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2016, 11:58:59 AM »
Dont underestimate the Storm Fight, it would be a really ball in between the two. It's a archy, yet rolly continues nothing that would fit right in your line-up.


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Re: Help finishing bag
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2016, 12:03:36 PM »
Awesome that really excites me. Was thinking of putting pin down for sure but putting pin under my ring and kicking cg out not sure how much kicked my pro shop guy will handle that but would the pin be better under my ring finger or under the bridge not great with layouts names sorry lol
In bag now, no rules , code black, code red , timeless , and fight and of course spare ball lol
In locker, ride and punch out


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Re: Help finishing bag
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2016, 07:35:47 PM »
Any more advice for layouts for fight or any of three balls I'm getting what's been working well on the ride and lock have good idea what I want todo but any ideas will help a lot
In bag now, no rules , code black, code red , timeless , and fight and of course spare ball lol
In locker, ride and punch out


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Re: Help finishing bag
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2016, 08:26:18 PM »
Sky Rocket! Love mine, great length and holds the line when it dries out, great backend action. Surprised more people haven't reviewed or recommended it, one of those
sleeper surprises and can pick one up pretty cheap now


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Re: Help finishing bag
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2016, 10:32:17 AM »
I think sky rocket is a great ball but wouldn't it still be to snappy down lane when I'd want to throw it when punch out is to hard off spot and I've already had to put my skid away?
In bag now, no rules , code black, code red , timeless , and fight and of course spare ball lol
In locker, ride and punch out


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Re: Help finishing bag
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2016, 11:06:11 AM »
Yeah, that would be a concern for sure with the Sky Rocket depending on how you have it drilled.

If you're building around a Lock, Hyper Cell Skid, Punch Out, and Ride then I don't think you could go wrong between the Phaze and Fight. I kind of like the Phaze as a benchmark type for that lineup as opposed to the down-lane punch of the Fight but both look great.

You might be surprised by a Devour too. That should be a ball up from a Punch Out while giving you a different look/reaction.


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Re: Help finishing bag
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2016, 06:45:35 PM »
What layouts have people been having success with on the phaze because my pro shop guy said we should drill it just like the punch out which is pin up but should I try a different lay out or stick with what I'm already comfortable with and what kind of layout would you put on fight if went with that instead. I know my guy has a phaze and fight in the shop but I'm missing bowling next week because of work so when I get back in two weeks my other balls should be in and I'll take phaze or fight he has in the shop already
In bag now, no rules , code black, code red , timeless , and fight and of course spare ball lol
In locker, ride and punch out