Currently using: Virtual Gravity Nano with Pin ABOVE and right BETWEEN the 2 fingers.
Interested in:
Sync Pearl(Hoping it'll be released in US)
Brutal Nightmare
Current Nano has hard time returning to pocket if I get it outside, however if I start far right and aim first arrow, I can hit the pocket very hard(I intend to use it that way).
Trying to pick a new ball to drill 4x4x2 or 4x4x1(based on Storm's PSA layout) to play the inside lanes.
Previously I've had a Storm Furious 4x4x1 that delivered good length and provided a sharp backend, while my VG Nano same shot will have good length but hits the pocket VERY weak with no power often leaving 2-4-5 pins or 2-8.
This seems to indicate one of 2 potential problems:
1. The Nano is oil soaked and/or the surface is so sworn that you're not getting anywhere close to the original ball reaction. If you have have more than 20 games on the Nano, the surface needs refreshing badly. If you have 35 - 50 games on it, it could very easily be oil soaked. It is one of the more ferocious oil suckers made.
2. There is not enough oil for the Nano to react properly, to make it through the midlane with enough energy, if the Furious, a milder ball than the Nano, is reacting properly. In this case, a stronger ball, the SYync, is definitely not the solution.
My main questions are:
1.Will the Sync/Brutal with 4x4x1 or 4x4x2 layout be significantly different than my VG Nano?
Not if either the above two problems are affecting the Nano. They will look goood for a brief time while brand new, but their apparent ball reaction will rapidly change.
The Nano is a great ball, but it needs strong, regular maintenance to maintain its performance level and ball reaction. If you just want to buy a new toy, go ahead. No reason is necessary. If you like the Nano as a ball, do an oil extraction and a surface refreshing and save $200.
A teammate had the same problem with his original Virtual Gravity: never had either process done, until I took the ball and did them. His average is up 10 pin in the 3 months since I did it.
2. Will Sync Pearl be released in U.S?
3. If I plug and redo my VG Nano to 4x4x1, should I see more favorable reaction I saw in my Furious?
I'd suspect not. That drilling on a Nano should still get you a stronger reaction than the very strong drilling on the Furious. The Nano is a very strong ball.
4. Should I replace my Target Zone spare ball with Urethane pearl?
You did not indicate there was a problem with the T-Zone.
Is there?