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Author Topic: HELP NEEDED!! Spare ball, UT vs Plastic..  (Read 10397 times)


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HELP NEEDED!! Spare ball, UT vs Plastic..
« on: September 17, 2014, 12:29:02 AM »
Hi, I am new to this forum and also new to this game. Currently I had few strike balls on hand already. What I am lacking is a spare ball. I had read around about having plastic ball coverstock and such or UT coverstock.

I'll just want to know.. What should I look out for, for a spare ball?

Does it really must be a plastic ball?

If I really want a UT ball like example Storm Pitch Black or Mix, what should I do to the ball?? Drill for lesser flare? Make it to hook lesser?

I understand that there are also other thread talking about UT vs plastic, but I am so new to this sports that I don't really understand all the terms used. Sorry. So please go easy on technical terms.

Thank you people!! 



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Re: HELP NEEDED!! Spare ball, UT vs Plastic..
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2014, 01:00:22 AM »
Urethane, especially polished, can be a great spare ball option.  They are virtually indestructible and will last longer than you will. 

Plastic, or polyester, is designed to go straight, but can sometimes get brittle and crack around fingers or thumb holes.  Nothing that can't be repaired, but a consideration nonetheless.  Many cool colors to choose from.

Incidentally, both covers can "hook" if you get around them, but both can go straight as can be too.


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Re: HELP NEEDED!! Spare ball, UT vs Plastic..
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2014, 01:35:26 AM »
Thank you for the advise... Any idea if a storm Pitch Black can act as a spare ball as well? If so, how should I get it drilled? I had a friend who has a brand new Pitch Black to give me. Was thinking if I can use it as spare?

Thank you.

Elimeno Pee

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Re: HELP NEEDED!! Spare ball, UT vs Plastic..
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2014, 04:59:21 AM »
I have used hard rubber with an old pancake core, and i currently use a Polyester.  Both are good, either find a bargain price, or find one that makes your eyes happy.  Don't expect either to last forever, and practice with them.
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Re: HELP NEEDED!! Spare ball, UT vs Plastic..
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2014, 05:46:32 AM »
Super Natural did the trick for me. Plastic would be too touchy for me on today's new oil. 10 pin percentage went way up after switching to Super Natural. Also a great 1st shot ball when lanes are flying.


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Re: HELP NEEDED!! Spare ball, UT vs Plastic..
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2014, 03:41:15 PM »
I just switched to an old urethane from plastic.  The plastic was very straight, but the urethane gives just enough reaction to hold/recover from a miss to the outside due to dryer boards out there - actually a little more forgiveness compared to plastic - I like it!
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Re: HELP NEEDED!! Spare ball, UT vs Plastic..
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2014, 11:27:25 PM »
Any recommended UT balls?? So far from Storm will be Super Natural and Pitch Black. Which one will be a better spare ball?


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Re: HELP NEEDED!! Spare ball, UT vs Plastic..
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2014, 12:05:26 AM »
I believe a Mix would be a better spare ball. The pitch black is actually fairly strong from what I've seen. If you are just picking between those 2 I'd go supernatural


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Re: HELP NEEDED!! Spare ball, UT vs Plastic..
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2014, 08:26:46 AM »
Even plastic hooks enough to chop the 6 off of the 10 plating cross alley... As I have seen all too frequently.


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Re: HELP NEEDED!! Spare ball, UT vs Plastic..
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2014, 09:04:30 AM »
Any recommended UT balls?? So far from Storm will be Super Natural and Pitch Black. Which one will be a better spare ball?

Unless you're speed dominant or you face medium to medium-heavy oil regularly, neither. The SN has too much core and the Pitch Black is too dull (& too expensive).

If you have matched speed & revs or are rev dominant OR if you face lighter to dry oil patterns regularly, you'd be better off with a pancake cored polished pearl urethane like the Storm Mix.

If you are speed dominant or usually see a good deal of oil, The Pitch Black taken to 2000 grit would work. If you're speed dominant you'd probably never have any use for a SN. Then the Mix solid or the pearl is still a better deal as a spare ball.
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Re: HELP NEEDED!! Spare ball, UT vs Plastic..
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2014, 11:05:58 AM »
Take it for what its worth - my opinion and I could be 1000% off:

The pitch black was designed for short patterns, thus being on the stronger side.

Super Natural more for a cranker (higher rev players) on dry lanes, or someone with a slow ball speed.

The Mix was designed more for the spare/dry lane conditions for middle of the road type players.

Remember - you can adjust surface to help with any of these.

I bought a poly spare ball a couple years ago and wished I would've went urethane instead.

Find a good pro shop and ask them as well.


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Re: HELP NEEDED!! Spare ball, UT vs Plastic..
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2014, 01:04:54 PM »
I say it really is up to you - how you throw and what you want the ball to in not much at all for plastic or a little bit of something with urethane.  I know some folks with really high revs and/or slow speed can get good movement with plastic...

One way to think about it is "how many balls do I want to pack around?".  A ball that is only used for spares (plastic), or one I can use for spares and maybe other times (urethane).  I have tried both, and currently carry UT as it provides another option when the lanes get dry or severely broken down...and I can flatten out my release enough for 10 pins even when the lanes are dry.

There are other companies with UT balls.  Motiv has a couple - the Tank is a fairly "aggressive" one and they have the Arctic Sniper tagged as a spare ball.  Both are more $$ than a UT from any other company.  Hammer still has the Blue Hammer.  Can't recall off hand about anyone else... but if you are getting a Pitch Black, then see what it does for you and go from there.  :) You could get it drilled up to be weak and/or add polish.

eBay isn't a bad place to get some equip - I got my Columbia U2 from there and love that ball!


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Re: HELP NEEDED!! Spare ball, UT vs Plastic..
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2014, 09:56:40 PM »
Thank you for all the advise, I've had other balls in my bag for all the other lane conditions I would expect to face. After consulting the pro shop that I purchase all my balls, he had advise me to go with a simple plastic ball as mention, I have the other balls for all condition.

A big thank you for the community that share so much of your experience with me. BIG THANK YOU!!!

Elimeno Pee

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Re: HELP NEEDED!! Spare ball, UT vs Plastic..
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2014, 05:08:41 AM »
Remember when you get the ball, PRACTICE will help the most.   Learn what you need to look at, and where you need to stand, in order to cover the 10 pin.  And if you can get in the habbit/practice of covering all of your single pin spares with your plastic, takes the oil conditions out of play
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Re: HELP NEEDED!! Spare ball, UT vs Plastic..
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2014, 05:39:06 PM »
Great advice about using the spare ball for most of your spares.  If you are bowling strictly on house shots it is less important, but on tournament conditions 4 pins and 7 pins can be as tricky as 10 pins if you try to hook the ball at them.  Get comfortable throwing relatively straight at most of your spares and it will help you.   

 I prefer urethane to plastic, because plastic can sometimes hook, and can also squirt through the oil.  Urethane is less likely to squirt in the heads, and can still be made to go relatively straight with only modest adjustments to your release.