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Author Topic: Help with my new Reign  (Read 8168 times)


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Help with my new Reign
« on: September 21, 2009, 09:10:29 PM »
I brought a spare ball into a pro shop to have the span adjusted and to my surprise they had a new Reign ball out on display.  Owner said he had gotten some in early.  Anyways, it was the new ball I had decided I wanted when it was released so I went ahead and bought it then and there.  I want to make it clear that I'm not by any means a great bowler.  Only been at it for 2 years, but I'm starting to get a lot better and so far am carrying a 175 average in league.  I wanted to purchase my first high performance ball and the Reign seemed to be exactly what I had in mind.  Something really angular and strong off the break.  Also I wanted to have the drilling done based on my PAP.  The pro shop guy took my PAP by looking at the track on my spare ball (though I had only rolled that a few times so I can't imagine it had much of a track) and I explained to him the reaction I was looking for and told him to punch it up.  Picked it up the next day but did not have time to roll it then and there.  It was drilled so as the pin was dead left of center, sort of over middle finger, and about .75 inches above.  Anyways, took it out later and the reaction was simply not at all what I expected.  My old ball is a Brunswick Wizard and I expected a drastically different reaction from that.  What I got was damn near indiscernible.  I'm not a high rev player (which I explained at the time of purchase) and I tend to roll straight up the 5 board with speed.  I expected to be able to play much more in to out using this ball and still get recovery.  Quite frankly I saw no difference in reaction.  Is it possibly that I just don't put enough rev's on the ball to get it to react any differntly?  Or, is it that the drill really wasn't the right one for me?  I'd appreciate and thoughts you have.  

Also on a side note.  Is it normal when a pro shop drills a ball to use a scribe to mark up the ball? I mean I realize its just cosmetic and that a bowling ball ends up looking crappy after a couple weeks of bowling anyway, but isn't it normal to want your new ball to look new?  Not only was my new Reign all scribed up from finger holes to thumb but the guy also did the same to my previously unmarked spare ball when he fixed the span.

Edited on 9/24/2009 4:07 PM



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Re: Help with my new Reign
« Reply #31 on: September 24, 2009, 12:58:07 PM »
does jls know something we don't?


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Re: Help with my new Reign
« Reply #32 on: September 24, 2009, 01:57:30 PM »
To jls!

Please give this guy a break. He´s not bashing anything, he only asks for some help on the reaction he gets on the ball. Isn´t what´s this place is all about???

I think you are the moron!!! (And escuse me if my spelling is wrong)

I deal with bowler's 24-7,  Very very few 175 bowlers know anything about their PAP,  nor do they usually have a spare ball... And whats up with "something strong off the breakpoint"   R U kidding me...  And then he goes on to say his a new bowler...

I don't think so Tim... It sounds more and more like he's from another company, and he is posting garbage about this new ball...

Why didn't his thread say, Upset with poor drilling...  cause that is pretty much what it sounds like..  But no,  he clearly decides to put the name of the ball in his title, making it look like the ball is a dud...

Why didn't he say, Joe's pro shop screwed the drilling up?  No,  he's upset with the Reign... That leads people to think the ball may be a dud...

This goes on often on this site... B.S. reviews knocking a new release...

"open up the lane"  wtf,  again, this is not the type of lingo one hears from 175 average new bowlers....

"Scribe marks"  again R U KIdding me....

I think he is a fraud...

Now, you want to know what I think of you....

Your a typical keyboard pounder surfing the net while at work...

Your a dime a dozen...


are we clear

Edited on 9/24/2009 1:59 PM


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Re: Help with my new Reign
« Reply #33 on: September 24, 2009, 02:12:43 PM »
Thank you Snake.  I thought it was fairly clear thats what my post was about and that's what this place is about.  jls, you make comments like "I tried to point out to you that your problem with this ball was mainly due to the drilling..." as if I somehow saw your advise and ignored it.  You spit out this Mr 175 as if rolling such a terrible score is beneath contempt.  I'm guessing many of your customers are 175 or *gasp* even less average bowlers.  You assume I asked no questions before my purchase as if you know this to be true.  No bowler ever bought a ball and was disappointed with its reaction before me?  If they did, is it because they bought it without any research and only because they wanted to be the first kid on the block with this ball, because it made him feel like a man?  

This is idiotic and I will not keep this thread alive with anymore responses.  Once again I genuinely appreciate the advise given.


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Re: Help with my new Reign
« Reply #34 on: September 24, 2009, 02:31:55 PM »
Damn JLS, chill out dude.

This Komodo dude was looking for a new ball.  He's obviously a bowler who's INTERESTED in bowling, and has done his HW.  He wanted what he thought was the right choice.  In the end, his choice didn't work as well as he thought it would, and was looking FOR ADVICE.  He is a NEWER BOWLER looking for ADVICE.  That's where we come in, and offer him our opinions on what could have gone wrong in his choice.  

Saying a newer bowler should know wtf he's talking about is an oxymoron.  People aren't BORN with inherent bowling knowledge, they need guidance.  

I wouldn't be surprised if reactions like these ward off newer bowlers who want to give our sport a chance.  Instead of being a prick and saying you're an idiot sabotaging a company, offer a smile and give him the help he needs.  You know, good customer service skills.  Something you should know ALL about if you own a pro shop, not a converted broom closet.

Proud Supporter of Rob Stone
Obviously, you aren't a golfer.
Some stayed in the foothills, some washed logs like teeth.
"This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."


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Re: Help with my new Reign
« Reply #35 on: September 24, 2009, 02:32:09 PM »
Wow just another thread where we see some one go overboard.  


I have been fortunate enough to have two good proshops in the area I have been in who will work with me on my ball purchases and layouts.  I have also gotten some valuable information from members on this site.  Reading your post I would suggest that if you title it something as Help with ????(whatever ball) it would keep the over zealous individuals off your back.

Good luck on the redrill with your ball.  Hopefully you will sort out the advice that was given and realize that their are some on here who will help and not try to take your head off.



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Re: Help with my new Reign
« Reply #36 on: September 24, 2009, 02:40:34 PM »
jls...I was questioning that maybe you knew if the OP was a fake poster.


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Re: Help with my new Reign
« Reply #37 on: September 24, 2009, 03:41:02 PM »
jls...I was questioning that maybe you knew if the OP was a fake poster.

Badger,  I really don't,  but the more I read that post, the more full of B.S. it is...

Some of his lingo is not what you would exoect to hear from a new 175 avergae bowler..

I have been drilling balls for, let me think, over 3 weeks now, and I have never had a 175 bowler talk like that... Or say, take my pap off my plastic spare ball...Mostb 175 bowlers Don't have a spare ball....

The only thing this guy left out was...

"It clears the heads, turns the corner, hits like a truck and kicks out the 10 pin"....

Bag,  sorry about the confusion....


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Re: Help with my new Reign
« Reply #38 on: September 24, 2009, 03:59:42 PM »
Damn JLS, chill out dude.

This Komodo dude was looking for a new ball.  He's obviously a bowler who's INTERESTED in bowling, and has done his HW.  He wanted what he thought was the right choice.  In the end, his choice didn't work as well as he thought it would, and was looking FOR ADVICE.  He is a NEWER BOWLER looking for ADVICE.  That's where we come in, and offer him our opinions on what could have gone wrong in his choice.  

Saying a newer bowler should know wtf he's talking about is an oxymoron.  People aren't BORN with inherent bowling knowledge, they need guidance.  

I wouldn't be surprised if reactions like these ward off newer bowlers who want to give our sport a chance.  Instead of being a prick and saying you're an idiot sabotaging a company, offer a smile and give him the help he needs.  You know, good customer service skills.  Something you should know ALL about if you own a pro shop, not a converted broom closet.

Proud Supporter of Rob Stone
Obviously, you aren't a golfer.
Some stayed in the foothills, some washed logs like teeth.

That is what I did in an earlier reply...Go back and read it...

Now today with the internet,  many bowlers get info on new balls off the net...

I see this daily... In his case, he said he read or heard about this new ball...

And decided it was for him....

That clearly shows that him did indeed surf the net and got some info on this ball...

The problem was, he like so many others did not fully understand what this ball is for..

In my first reply I told him that it sounded like a serious drilling issue...

Pin above the MF for a 175 weak handed bowler who wants to open up the lanes in the first game....  R U  Kidding me....

His problem here is he got a very poor drilling on a ball that does not match what he wanted in the first place...

The pap thing is not the issue....

I clearly said don't take your pap off a spare ball...

That means in english, a ball you use for spare shooting...

That is different from taking a CLEAN hard low flare ball and playing in the oil.  And throwing it with your strike shot...

Your spare ball will not have your strike shot flare on it...

Some people who think they know it all,  jump on a link which said take a low flare ball, clean it, throw it with your strike shot in oil...

This is not the same thing as taking your pap from an old used spare ball that has been used for spare shooting, thus called a spare ball or 10 pin ball...

They read about big hook and backend bla bla and they think it's a game one oil monster...

Now I have seen so much bashing of new product on this site...  It's a game played here all the time....

Don't pretend you have never seen it...

Now I don't know if he is for real or not,  I really don't care...

But I do know the Reign is a good new release...

When put in the hands of a bowler who knows what condition the ball is for...

I think this person should delete this post or at least re name it...

So it doesn't sound like he's upset with the performance of the Reign.  When it is clear to anyone with bowling knowledge, that this ball was poorly drilled for him...


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Re: Help with my new Reign
« Reply #39 on: September 24, 2009, 04:14:17 PM »
Never use a spare ball to get your PAP...

BTW the ball was drilled, I seriously doubt you PAP was ever considered...

It sounds like you got the basic 101 drilling.. Pin above the fingers...And more above the middle finger... R U KIDDING ME...

To me it sounds like you needed a more aggressive drilling... Like a 4 by 4 with a 2 - 2 1/2 " pin buffer...MB strong...

So don't knock the ball,  Knock the drilling....

Cause the drilling you got tends to make the ball go long with a smoother backend...

You got this ball drilled in a converted broom closet, right??? Open 5-8...


Edited on 9/22/2009 4:20 PM

This was my first reply.....

I told him I felt that the ball was laid out poorly for him...

And I said don't use your spare ball, bla bla.

Then a bunch of know it alls come on and started in about taking the track off a plastic or hard shell low flaring ball...Because they read that somewhere...
But did not have the brains to understand what that meant...  Because they are keyboard pounders...

That was not the issue...  a poor drilling was the issue...

Re name the thread and be a man and stop blaming the Reign because you got a terrible drill job...

Pin above the MF,  175 weak handed bowler... WTF, did your driller mistake you for Tommy Jones......


Edited on 9/24/2009 5:18 PM


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Re: Help with my new Reign
« Reply #40 on: September 24, 2009, 04:15:55 PM »
Damn JLS, chill out dude.

This Komodo dude was looking for a new ball.  He's obviously a bowler who's INTERESTED in bowling, and has done his HW.  He wanted what he thought was the right choice.  In the end, his choice didn't work as well as he thought it would, and was looking FOR ADVICE.  He is a NEWER BOWLER looking for ADVICE.  That's where we come in, and offer him our opinions on what could have gone wrong in his choice.  

Saying a newer bowler should know wtf he's talking about is an oxymoron.  People aren't BORN with inherent bowling knowledge, they need guidance.  

I wouldn't be surprised if reactions like these ward off newer bowlers who want to give our sport a chance.  Instead of being a prick and saying you're an idiot sabotaging a company, offer a smile and give him the help he needs.  You know, good customer service skills.  Something you should know ALL about if you own a pro shop, not a converted broom closet.

Proud Supporter of Rob Stone
Obviously, you aren't a golfer.
Some stayed in the foothills, some washed logs like teeth.


Hopefully they don't give up the sport, but they may not want to come back on here for the inquisition treatment.



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Re: Help with my new Reign
« Reply #41 on: September 24, 2009, 04:16:32 PM »
Ok, guess just like in Godfather 3 "every time I think I'm out, they pull me back in!"  LOL, jls your right I should have renamed it.  I didn't realize until your last post I could do that and failed some would take it the way you did.  Also I don't understand why you thought my post was honest in 1 post and I'm a fraud in the next.  For what its worth I did start up a different thread a couple of weeks ago while doing homework on different balls that will hopefully convince those that believe I had some sinister ulterior motive when making the OP.

Not sure if that link will work.  It's in the Misc catagory and titled "Bowling vids for Newbies.  Can't think of anymore to say on the subject.  


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Re: Help with my new Reign
« Reply #42 on: September 24, 2009, 04:17:42 PM »
Well now,  I see he has re named the thread....

Help, instead of upset or dissatisfied...with my Reign

Good, very good, glad to see you finally do that......


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Re: Help with my new Reign
« Reply #43 on: September 24, 2009, 04:25:36 PM »
Well now,  I see he has re named the thread....

Help, instead of upset or dissatisfied...with my Reign

Good, very good, glad to see you finally do that......

jls couldn't you have just stated that changing the the thread name earlier...  

Again good luck and good bowling Komodo!



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Re: Help with my new Reign
« Reply #44 on: September 24, 2009, 04:26:47 PM »
Lookie here junior, just because you sit around in your underwear drinking coffee all day instead of selling and properly mapping out large number of balls, getting wound up about minutia doesn't mean the world is going to end.

Unless you drastically change your release for your spares, your PAP is not going to change much, is that clear?  Most people, that would be the less than elite 210-200 average bowler, switches to a spare ball so they don't have to make a big change to their release.

Even changing from a classic tweener strike release to a lower rev flatter release won't change your PAP by more than 1/2" or so, hardly important to the average bowler.  It certainly wouldn't turn a perfect ball into a turd.  Anyone not named Norm Duke or Walter Ray Williams Jr. that thinks his PAP being off by 1/2" needs to have his head examined, is that clear?

I'll let you get back to your coffee now.  Maybe you're lucky and your mom made you a mocha.
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Re: Help with my new Reign
« Reply #45 on: September 24, 2009, 04:31:05 PM »
My apologies Komodo, I'll not continue arguing with jls.  If he has any further issue with what I said, hopefully he'll start a new thread for us to continue.  Good luck getting everything straightened out.
Telling it like it is.