
Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: millertime0299 on July 13, 2012, 09:32:53 AM

Title: Hey Storm, listen up...
Post by: millertime0299 on July 13, 2012, 09:32:53 AM
We (your customers) want a Virtual Energy doesn't have to be named VE Nano...we just want a Nano hybrid.  I know the Vivid was meant to fill in between the Nano solid and pearl but it is, afterall, a solid.

We also want a ball to outhook the Nexxus and HR Revenge...if for no other reason than to shut up the competition.  But I'm sure you are probably already working on it.... ;D
Title: Re: Hey Storm, listen up...
Post by: Mr Straight Ball on July 13, 2012, 09:48:25 AM
Your Vivd does not hook as much or more than a Nexxus or Hell Raisers Revenge? What's more important, hook or performance?
Title: Re: Hey Storm, listen up...
Post by: Russell on July 13, 2012, 10:01:45 AM
What a thought!  If there were only some way to take a Nano and get it do push a little further down the lane....I make the surface not so rough.  We could call it....polish....yeah that's it.

But this really that necessary?  I mean between the Modern Marvel, Defiant Edge, and Critical Theory you could probably make one of those work in the hole you're talking about.
Title: Re: Hey Storm, listen up...
Post by: Impending Doom on July 13, 2012, 10:40:00 AM
But.. but.. but, it doesn't say Storm on it! Not the same thing, right!!?!?!
What a thought!  If there were only some way to take a Nano and get it do push a little further down the lane....I make the surface not so rough.  We could call it....polish....yeah that's it.

But this really that necessary?  I mean between the Modern Marvel, Defiant Edge, and Critical Theory you could probably make one of those work in the hole you're talking about.
Title: Re: Hey Storm, listen up...
Post by: northface28 on July 13, 2012, 12:22:34 PM
Maybe when people start looking at actual reaction shapes and not this is my ”medium heavy, heavy, etc” ball, posts like this will cease. Changing surfaces and moving your feet, last i checked, is allowed.
Title: Re: Hey Storm, listen up...
Post by: mainzer on July 13, 2012, 02:16:09 PM
Your telling me with the Vivid and both IQs don't hook enough? Really? Maybe you should
adjust, just an idea. Adjust the ball surface, try different drill patterns, Move your feet,change
your release,change your ball speed.

Bowling isn't about how much you can hook it it is about how many pins you can
knock down.
Title: Re: Hey Storm, listen up...
Post by: millertime0299 on July 13, 2012, 02:26:49 PM
People, people, people...RELAX!!!  I like hybrids...I want a HP hybrid with an Asymmetric core.  Plain and simple.  Period.

Read my post....I said to release an HP ball to outhook the Nexxus and HR Revenge just to SHUT UP THE COMPETITION.  Did I say, "because I suck so bad that I don't know how to move my feet and change hand positions...because I suck so bad that i'm not as good at bowling as some people on ballreviews."?  No.  I never said those things.  I can change hand positions...I do move my feet.  But I'm a bit of a ballwhore anyway...

Don't go getting your panties in a wad!  Geesh!  Is everyone on here so darn uptight?
Title: Re: Hey Storm, listen up...
Post by: drillbit on July 13, 2012, 02:51:46 PM
Actually, yes. Yes they are. ;D
Title: Re: Hey Storm, listen up...
Post by: tburky on July 13, 2012, 04:49:42 PM
What a thought!  If there were only some way to take a Nano and get it do push a little further down the lane....I make the surface not so rough.  We could call it....polish....yeah that's it.

But this really that necessary?  I mean between the Modern Marvel, Defiant Edge, and Critical Theory you could probably make one of those work in the hole you're talking about.

+1000000000000000000000 really people need to learn how to manipulate the cover and the other balls you mentioned would work fine. Geezus every time people want more hook! I don't get it...a lot of houses aren't putting out that much volume.
Title: Re: Hey Storm, listen up...
Post by: SVstar34 on July 13, 2012, 04:50:53 PM
People, people, people...RELAX!!!  I like hybrids...I want a HP hybrid with an Asymmetric core.  Plain and simple.  Period.

People, people, people...RELAX!!!  I like hybrids...I want a HP hybrid with an Asymmetric core.  Plain and simple.  Period.
Read my post....I said to release an HP ball to outhook the Nexxus and HR Revenge just to SHUT UP THE COMPETITION.

You want a hybrid, get a Critical Theory from Roto. Havent heard anything bad about it once. Storm and Roto are partners, Storm pours all the Roto equipment and they both have great staff and R&D.

HP ball to outhook Nexxus and Revenge, its called the Nano. If you want it to hook out of the building, put some surface on it and it will hook at your feet.
Title: Re: Hey Storm, listen up...
Post by: Impending Doom on July 13, 2012, 05:17:42 PM
Shut up the competition? Look how their equipment did  on tour vs Storm. Just because it hooks the most doesn't mean its the best.
Title: Re: Hey Storm, listen up...
Post by: Xcessive_Evil on July 13, 2012, 06:37:33 PM

You want a hybrid, get a Critical Theory from Roto.

That would be the infinite theory.  A Virtual Energy Nano would be great!  But, that's your request to outhook the competition?  Really?  Um, okay.  Anyway, become a better shotmaker, and the nautical mile of hook is no longer necessary...
Title: Re: Hey Storm, listen up...
Post by: milorafferty on July 13, 2012, 06:43:10 PM
Amen on the big hook comment X_Evil, but I would still buy a Nano 'Energy if they come out with one.  ;D

You want a hybrid, get a Critical Theory from Roto.

That would be the infinite theory.  A Virtual Energy Nano would be great!  But, that's your request to outhook the competition?  Really?  Um, okay.  Anyway, become a better shotmaker, and the nautical mile of hook is no longer necessary...

Title: Re: Hey Storm, listen up...
Post by: Xcessive_Evil on July 13, 2012, 06:45:14 PM
LOL.  I would most definitely get one too.  The orignal is what pulled me into Storm.
Title: Re: Hey Storm, listen up...
Post by: tommyboy74 on July 13, 2012, 09:25:55 PM
That's why I went with a barely used Rogue Cell hybrid from Roto Grip.  That ball gets a little more length than the Defiant but still has a ton of energy in back to make a nice angular move.  It's a perfect ball to step down to.

I'm surprised that they haven't done a hybrid cover for their Nano line in all honesty, especially when RG has all 3 covered with the Defiant, Infinite and Critical Theory. 

I guess Storm was thinking of maybe having it as VG Nano > Vivid (solid but with a different core) > VG Nano Pearl.  Yet, I haven't seen a massive difference between the VG Nano and Vivid.  Sure, maybe a few boards, but overall reaction shape is still going to be similar with the NRG cover.
Title: Re: Hey Storm, listen up...
Post by: millertime0299 on July 14, 2012, 08:55:39 AM
Title: Re: Hey Storm, listen up...
Post by: avabob on July 14, 2012, 03:30:03 PM
I think Storm is figuring out that the Virtual Gravity was a great ball, and every attempt to improve on it in the high end asymetric line has not resulted in a great core shell matchup.  There is a reason all the staffers are throwing primarily Road balls and the frantic.  Now the IQ.  there is such a thing as overkill with friction and core strength, and the ball makers have all hit the wall.  Look at Brunswick.  The Versa Max and now Maxxed out hit great and may be more vesatile than the Nexus balls. 

Instead of asking what will hook the most, ask what the pros ask.  What ball will hit the hardest on a broad range of conditions.  On a house shot you can hook it all you need with a urethane ball, and probably carry just as good. 
Title: Re: Hey Storm, listen up...
Post by: tommyboy74 on July 15, 2012, 01:06:28 AM
I agree with the Maxxed Out and Versa Max.  Those have to be 2 of the best balls Big B has released in a very long time for versatility.  Their Nexus/Nexxus line are also working well.  But, there comes a point where the hook is overkill.