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Author Topic: High end storms = too powerful?  (Read 2971 times)


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High end storms = too powerful?
« on: October 18, 2006, 08:19:51 AM »
to all you storm heads out there,

I seem to be having an issue with my XXX-Tream which is the same that I have had with high end storm balls since the Trauma series.  I get a great look at the pocket from all over the lane, BUT then I keep leaving stone 8 and 9's. I really think these things are TOO powerful at the pins for my game. Any thoughts or suggestions?



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Re: High end storms = too powerful?
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2006, 04:32:51 PM »
weaker mass bias positions...softens the entry angle.

I bowl in a center that is the most severe wet dry I have ever seen.
By putting my mass bias on my negative side of my thumb I have softened the entry angle by a good bit!  NOw I'm carrying in this center!  The XXXtreme probably only allows the mb to be under the thumb...but that is where I would go.  I'm guessing you have it near the strong position about an inch or 2 off the thumb(creates the highest entry angles(8 pins).)

Dynothane calls this position the Direct Cap...meaning you can play a more direct line.

Here is a link to their explanation of this drilling.

Click on link and then click on drilling!

Look for direct cap position!


PS remember warning on the farther negative than under thumb!
I hear.
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Re: High end storms = too powerful?
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2006, 04:35:34 PM »
Thanks LL,
that might be what i need to do, I think I will just unload the ball and do something else with a newer piece, but that will play into the drilling for sure.


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Re: High end storms = too powerful?
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2006, 04:43:15 PM »
If you can, try to put more forward roll on the ball so it will have a smoother path, that should give you slightly less angle at the pocket.
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Re: High end storms = too powerful?
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2006, 10:11:50 PM »
I have had a similar observation, but noticed it in a different way.  I seem to average higher with the Storm products, but have more honor/award scores with other products, mostly Brunswick.  It appears that since the Brunswick products do not have as hard a finish on the backend, I can throw strings of strikes together without that tap in the middle.  

The only Storm product I have thrown an honor/award score with is the Lightning Flash.  

Of course, I don't have any hard data to back this up.  Also, this is my game and not necessarily applies to anybody else.


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Re: High end storms = too powerful?
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2006, 10:17:47 PM »
CPA, this is what I am saying here, I can't string anything with confidence because of this. I know if I miss with Brunswick I will miss and may get punished, with storm I seem to be able to throw a litterally perfect ball and may not get rewarded.  On the other hand if I throw a garbage ball I am more likely to get rewarded.. Odd trade off I guess.  I think I will be abandoning the storm line completely for a bit, but that is my preference.  I think I have a better fit in Brunswick and Dynothane so that is where I am headed.


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Re: High end storms = too powerful?
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2006, 11:56:07 PM »
Try something like a double agent. I really like how it rolls nice and even without the sharp break. I think alot of guys like the big end hook because it "looks good". Sometimes it's a bit much, doesnt' matter what the roll is if your striking with it and can control it.

Edited on 10/18/2006 11:49 PM


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Re: High end storms = too powerful?
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2006, 12:45:48 AM »
I shot my one and only 800 series (with a 300 in game #2) two years ago with a Storm Super Charge. I know what you're saying though about Storm leaving a lot of solid/fast 10's, 8's and 9's; because Brunswick tends to roll up earlier the trajectory is usually straighter on vs. the hockey stick angularity of many Storm products. The Super Charge is one of very few Storm balls that has a strong midlane read (much like the Vapor Zone) and more of a heavy arc into the pocket which may explain why its always been a solid performer for me.

In my experience the later the snap/hook the more likely one is to get tapped (i.e. more energy stored = stronger hit in the pocket), while balls that read the midlane well and produce a strong yet controlled arc to the pocket have a better percentage of carry.

I'm throwing a lot of Hammer products this year and find that although some lack a strong midlane (such as the Black Widow) they do rev up nicely. Kind of a nice compromise between Storm and Brunswick.


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Re: High end storms = too powerful?
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2006, 06:58:08 AM »
The Domination and Agent Series both appear to be much smoother arcing balls than that of the Passion and original paradigm.  More so the Agents than the Domination though.  The Domination does have a pretty strong back end (weight block) but with a much smoother arc going into that back end (different cover stock).  I have not thrown any of these balls (except the Passion) so I could be off on my assumption here.
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Re: High end storms = too powerful?
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2006, 07:19:35 AM »
Hey a XXXTreme thread!

(I have been using the XXXTreme as my main ball for a couple months now.)  

So far, it seems like the XXXTreme is a pretty angular ball.  When I can figure it out, it is a striking beast.  Figuring it out is the problem.  I haven't used a ball like this before so it is always a learning process.

I don't seem to get the same pins that you get, so maybe its possible you should use mass bias position that LuckyLefty spoke of.

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Re: High end storms = too powerful?
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2006, 12:13:14 PM »
I have to say that if I could go to hammer for my replacement then I would, but money is tight right now, so unless I find somebody that wants to trade a pain for the XXXTREME then I have nothing, and I totally agree that Hammer is a compromise between the companies at this point.


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Re: High end storms = too powerful?
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2006, 01:17:31 PM »
i know this is a high end thread, but have you tried the mid line storm stuff? the diablo is a really smooth rolling ball. reads the midlane very well, then gives you a strong controllable arc. i have mine drillied rev leverage, and it is still the first ball out of my bag. the trifecta, a upper end storm ball was very smooth, even when polished, you might wanna try it if you can find one.
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Re: High end storms = too powerful?
« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2006, 01:44:58 PM »
You bring up something very interesting....I bowled my first 800 with my XXXtreme on wood lanes, so I truly love the roll on it for Wood.  However on the synthetic house I bowled at last year, I missed 2 300's and an 800 by leaving 9 pins, and my mb was near the stronger position....a little late now, moved to another house...but will ponder that thought and maybe tweak a little, thanks for the thought..


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Re: High end storms = too powerful?
« Reply #13 on: October 19, 2006, 01:59:26 PM »
I agree with LL. Drilling with the purpose of a softer entry angle will help you with those solid 8-9's. You can also alter the cover to tame the backend. I lightly padded a HR Hybrid with very good success this summer. It was a bit over/under for me in OOB finish.
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Re: High end storms = too powerful?
« Reply #14 on: October 19, 2006, 03:48:12 PM »
I did infact change the cover and that really didn't soften it in the backs. I have tried the mid range stuff and the entry angle I get from my Fired UP is stupid so it is being traded this week.  I think the MB thought is a good one.  O and I forgot who said it, but yeah it is better on wood... interesting, I know the backends are softer on wood so maybe that is it.