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Author Topic: Horizon vs. Fired Up?  (Read 904 times)


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Horizon vs. Fired Up?
« on: July 30, 2006, 01:26:09 PM »
How do these balls compare? They seem to be quite similar to me and I'm wondering how exactly they stack up against one another. Any comments are appreciated. Thanks!

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Re: Horizon vs. Fired Up?
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2006, 07:26:02 AM »
I havent throwed any of them..But i think the fierd up has a little more pop in the backend, and the horizon is more smoother.
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Re: Horizon vs. Fired Up?
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2006, 09:58:31 AM »
Haven't used a Horizon specifically, but some of the guys I bowl with compare the Horizon is comparible to the Pyro, which if you look at the RG and Diff numbers makes sense from the standpoint that I think the Horizon is earlier and slightly smoother than the Fired Up if they're drilled the same.  But that's second hand info, I havent thrown a Horizon, yet.


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Re: Horizon vs. Fired Up?
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2006, 10:39:27 AM »
I've used the Horizon. It's an awesome ball. Smooth yet powerful, a ball you can use on medium even medium/heavy to medium/lightish conditions easily. Packs a wallop at the end as well. Great Ball. I understand the fired up is a great ball as well.



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Re: Horizon vs. Fired Up?
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2006, 04:18:16 PM »
I've used the Horizon. It's an awesome ball. Smooth yet powerful, a ball you can use on medium even medium/heavy to medium/lightish conditions easily. Packs a wallop at the end as well. Great Ball. I understand the fired up is a great ball as well.


Appreciate the input Chuck, but I'm really looking for a comparison of the two. I understand that they are both good pieces of equipment. I own a Horizon. I just want to see if they are going to overlap if I get a Fired Up.

On another note, I have the Pyro and the Horizon... These balls are not similar, in my opinion, for my game. Very different pieces, drilled similar.

Thank everyone for your input so far. Anyone thrown both?
"Having a family is like having a bowling alley installed in your head."