It was a good trade for the both of us . He doesn't throw a big hook , the Storm was just too much ball for him . Every league nite , he would throw the ball in the buffing machine for 2 to 5 minutes . The Quake isnt as aggressive as the SP is . He is averaging 161 , and his first nite with the Quake he threw a 570 series .
My problem with the Storm is it is the first ball i have put a slug in . I just need to throw it a few more times , and get used to the feel of it . Or i need to take my Messenger , and my Rock TEC2 , and have them slugged . I just had the Storm fited and slugged for me Wednesday . I did throw 2 practice games with it before league wednesday . i had a 267 , and a 211 . i went out and couldn't control it much during league warm ups . So i went to my Messenger .