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Author Topic: Hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl (Small review with a ton of rambeling)  (Read 1166 times)

L o G

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Hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl (Small review with a ton of rambeling)
« on: November 16, 2004, 04:59:41 PM »
What a ball.  Drilled it with the pin about an inch right of the ring finger and the cg in palm, almost exactly like my Hot Rod(the first Hot Rod).  The Pro Stock Pearl has over all more hook but it is more of an arcing reaction than the Hot Rod for me anyway.  Thew my first 8 games with it tonight, and except for the one bad practice game (trying a different release) I averaged over 200 with it.  I could have shot better, but around my 3rd practice game I noticed pain at the base of my thumb, it was a damn blister that popped (different driller than normal) so I beveled the hole out and put a peice of tape over the blister and ended up shooting 233, 176, and 224.  Not adjusting that second game.  I know I kinda rambled in that but that is why I don't do reviews because I suck at them.  Hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl is a great ball for the money.  More hook than the Hot Rod but is easier to control.
I can hear the voice
But I don't want to listen
Strap me down and tell me
I'll be alright
I can feel the subliminal need
To be one with the voice
And make everything alright

Edited on 11/17/2004 2:01 AM



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Re: Hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl (Small review with a ton of rambeling)
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2004, 03:08:06 PM »
I've found that this ball doesnt carry. flush in the pocket will leave single pins far too often. I agree that it creates a nice "belly" - rolls nice - and seems to hit well, but the end result is disapointing.

Billy Ray

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Re: Hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl (Small review with a ton of rambeling)
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2004, 06:41:19 AM »
For those who have trouble getting this ball to carry on what appear to be good pocket shots don't be afraid to change or tweak the cover a bit to change the entry angle if moving your feet or changing your hand position hasn't worked.

Mine was a bit too skid flippy so a little scotch brite (grey pad) on the box cover made it stand up a bit earlier and carried much better.

Remember the box surface doesn't lock you into that particular shine experiment and learn to make the ball work for you instead of against you. Its especially important even in leagues to have confidence in your equipment that if you throw it well it will strike. If you have apprehensions about a certain ball chances are your swing and release won't be as loose as it should be and will hinder your ability to repeat shots as well.
Billy Ray
Billy Ray
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